In order to write an appealing article, it is incumbent upon the author to understand their audience. If I were writing an scientific article to the general public, I would be sure to emphasize why this scientific topic or innovation was so important. The best way to do this is to relate the scientific discovery to them directly. For example, I would include how this could directly affect their life. Thus, I would have hooked my audience to continue reading my article. I would also include statistics and my own background to establish my credibility with the audience. I think scientific research is well represented in the media when it is relevant to the audience. For example, a population in New York City might not be most interested in a scientific innovation on the other side of the world if it has no correlation to them. However, if it is an innovation that will raise the standard of living in New York, it will appeal to them much more. I definitely think science in the popular media can improve because right now, most popular media science articles either are too anecdotal or too scientific. By finding the perfect balance between storytelling and sharing research, authors will ensure that they are delivering important news as well as capturing their audience’s attention. Something that I found interesting in other people’s presentations was how the popular media reports would draw conclusions not originally included in the research to capture the audience. For example, some articles failed to mention the innovation was used in animals and not yet in humans just to capture the attention of the audience.