Group Member: Demir and Justin

Healthcare Innovation Idea: Back Brace


McAviney, J, and T Pappas. 2009. “Treating adult scoliosis and back pain with the SpineCor Pain Relief Back Brace.” PMC at U.S. National Library of Medical National Institute of Health. 2009;4(Supply 2): O67. doi: 10.1186/1748-7161-4-S2-O67

The U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, as the name indicates, is a very prestigious and credible organization. J McAviney and T Pappas, the authors of this primary source, are both doctors who have lots of knowledge about scoliosis in London. Both of them have conducted many types of research and published lots of scientific articles, including “Risk factors for Age-related Macular Degeneration in a Greek population: The Thessaloniki Eye Study” by Pappas T and “Determining the relationship between cervical lordosis and neck complaints” by J McAviney. This article, indeed, talks about the seriousness of adult scoliosis and how it can be successfully treated using the SpineCor brace. Since our 3D printed innovation is to design an object that could support one’s back or neck after a long time of sitting, we can use the SpineCor brace as a reference, which provides us a basic concept of how the object would look like.



Janicki, Joseph A, and Benjamin Alman. 2007. “Scoliosis: Review of diagnosis and treatment.” PMC at U.S. National Library of Medical National Institute of Health. 2007 Nov; 12(9): 771-776.

The authors both have profound knowledge in the field they are experts at. Joseph A Janicki is an assistant professor of Orthopedic Surgery in Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and Dr. Benjamin Alman is a professor of Orthopedic Surgery in the University of Toronto. Therefore, both have very significant science and medical backgrounds, which prove their credibility to publish the articles. The article, on the other hand, deeply explains about scoliosis and describes the treatments and methods to help alleviate back pain. Before we even start designing our device, we should have known some knowledge about scoliosis so that we could design accordingly. Also, since this article describes the treatment in detail, we will be able to know the elements needed for the innovative object, designing an effective one.



Emery, Gene. 2013. “Braces Help Avoid Surgery in Teens with Scoliosis.” Reuters. Accessed October 10, 2018.

Gene Emery is a journalist and news writer for Reuter. He has been specifically focusing on the medical field. He has been continuously publishing articles in this website that are health-related. In this article, he talks about the effectiveness of Braces to avoid scoliosis. We know how scary and serious scoliosis can be, so through his article, he appeals to the general public by advocating the need for the brace as he explains the example of how braces can help in our lives. Our group can use this article as a motivator. Because it indicates the urgent need for the braces and negative consequences scoliosis could bring to us, we will be inspired to design this object and make our lives better even if it is very complex to make one.