Hi all,

I’m sure you all did great last Wednesday! These posters are all really well done and I’m happy you’ve all gotten them to the stage they’re at presently.

Please upload your poster to the site using the following steps:

  1. Export your PowerPoint file to PDF. To do this, select “File”>”Save As” and then choose PDF from the dropdown menu at the bottom. Name your file with your last names separated by underscores ( _ ). Like this: cohen_greer_…
  2. Create a new post using the category Final Poster. If you do not select this category, we won’t be able to see it!!
  3. Click “Add Media” and then select your file. Instead of inserting the file into your post, copy the URL listed on the right. Then close out of this window without inserting the file into your post.
  4. Paste the URL of your PDF directly into the post on its own line. So it should look like this: https://files.eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/6462/2018/12/16195803/cohen_greer.pdf
  5. Preview your post to make sure that the PDF is appearing correctly. If it is not, then try adding an “s” to the http:// so that it reads https://
  6. Make sure you selected Final Poster as your category.
  7. Publish! 

Following these steps correctly is part of your final grade for this project! If you are having any difficulty with any part of this process, or if your post is not displaying correctly, email Jake.