At the start of the semester I was not feeling too excited about this class. Science is not my strongest area and I did not have as much interest in it as for other subjects. However, from the first day of class I knew this seminar would be different. I had learned the scientific method in school before, but to be able to explore each aspect of it in depth and participate in it in a hands on method made it more enjoyable. Dr. Greer walked us through how different scientific innovations came about and then we were able to perform these labs ourselves. This course helped me realize that science is all around us. It’s in the nature we observe in parks and it’s behind the soap we use to wash our hands. I was slightly out of tune with the sciences and unaware of the magnitude of the scientific method. It does not only come into play when working on projects, it is all around us. I learned best with the hands on portions of the class such as the labs and mini assignments in which we put into practice what we learned. That helped me to get a better understanding of everything. The amount of work seemed to be overwhelming at times but in the end it all came together really well. The class was enjoyable and now I am not as scared of science as I used to be.