Author Archives: Alannah Fehrenbach

Discussion Questions: 4/24 : Alannah Fehrenbach

Definition of Liberal Arts:

How does the recent developments of internet redefine liberal arts education? How can higher education keep up and keep it fresh? (even though the idea of liberal arts education goes far back in tradition it should-in principal- live and breathe with social developments.)

How are student-faculty relationships facilitated?

In comparing the Value of Liberal Arts with its crtitique:

How are our values of education changing with the economy? Are there ways of incorporating the lofty ideas of liberal arts with a more grounded and practical element?

Is the idea of liberal arts “outdated”? How can it be revitalized?

Does education “prepare us for meaningful lives?” If so, what are the consequences of wittling this down?

How are resources becoming classified as liberal arts becomes less emphasized?

-Alannah Fehrenbach

Questions for 4/17

For Ace

Is high school education preparing us for college, particularly with regards to poorer areas and states? Why do we feel an obligation to uphold affirmative action even today?

For Lederman

What are the negative effects of affirmative action? Is it unrealistic to impose restrictions on the current policies as the belt straps tighten and admission in general becomes more competitive?

For Lavin

The definition of undergraduate is changing: more and more they are working jobs and supporting themselves for the most part. As the financial burden becomes more strenuous on parents, students are more expected to hold their own. How is this affecting their ability to study?

For Grutter

What could the possible “social implications” of affirmative action be? Looking at the dissenting opinion, in reference to the state of California, is it necessary to for “elitism” to look at all prospects rather than focus on minority numbers?


-Alannah Fehrenbach