Questions for Dr. Brier–Joseph Valerio 3/13/13

1. If public institutions are the way to transforming or a pathway from poor to middle class, should they be focusing on a liberal arts education or a more technical and specific education?

2. When any institution broadens its requirements for admissions and accepts a diverse population of all economic backgrounds, it also has to be prepared for the disparities in education. Do you believe universities should have stricter requirements to rid of the issue of remedial classes or SEEK students who may not be able to graduate?

3. Do you also believe modern students need more of a drive to succeed? Or is it solely the fault of the high school and college institutions to fully provide for them.

4. It was mentioned that the young Jewish students learned how to love reading by listening to debates on civic and political life. Do you believe those courses should be mandatory for college students?

5. It seems that many students also learned through a sense of community, by bouncing ideas off each other. Do you think that there is a lack of common community on campuses now, and do you think that contributes to the disparities in education that we see? If so, how could that be revived?