Questions for President Gould

– Just as community colleges are considered a platform for many non-traditional students to begin their pursuit of a degree, do you expect open online classes to do the same? Will they gain a more influential role in allowing non-traditional students to get started?

– Will an increase in online classes given by institutions increase the democracy of higher education, or simply filter those in a lower socioeconomic class out of public higher education? How would either affect Brooklyn College or CUNY in general financially and socially?

-Many of today’s employers value potential employees that exhibit people skills and can work well in groups. Would moving instruction  away from classrooms hurt social interactions, or help them via webinars/online interaction and add a level of personal responsibility to group work, since one must take the initiative to interact online as well.

-CUNYfirst is one of the newest technological innovations CUNY has provided to students, and it’s already generated controversy over some minor glitches and due to it deviating from the former WEBsims. How will CUNYfirst benefit students and what other technological innovations on campus are there in the future for Brooklyn College?