Questions for 4/17/13

  1. Considering the increasing number of minority students who are graduating college with degrees in the past two decades, what reasons can you ascribe to this significant change?
  2. Because of the noticeable decline in prevalence of “liberal arts educations” in colleges around the country, many students are choosing not to major in Humanities courses. Do you think this is a result of a more financially centralized mindset among college students, or an overall change in societal expectations regarding a college degree?
  3. The focus on race in college admissions has been a driving force in the admittance of many students. Colleges are aware of the statistic that on average white students have higher scores on SATs than black students. Do you believe that this statistic is actually causing some black students to perform worse than they could, because of stereotyping?
  4. The changes in the University of Michigan’s application process have put into place application essays that help to better acquaint the admissions officer with the applicant. However, is it possible that these essays are actually making it more difficult for the applicant to demonstrate their personality and drive, because of the lack of preparation of certain applicants for writing such essays?
  5. Do you believe that the drive for more ethnic diversity in higher education is driven by moral or progressive ideals, or by a more money-driven mentality?
  6. Some colleges admit students who do not have credentials that are up to par, thereby putting them into a situation where they perform sub-optimally. (This is not the fault of the student, since they were not necessarily prepared for what was to come.) Some of the students with this backstory end up not graduating, thereby increasing the prevalence of non-graduates in their minority. Is it possible that affirmative action is actually partially hurting minorities?