April 24: What are the Liberal Arts and what are they good for (or not good for)?

These are the readings for April 24. I know that some of you will be on interviews or will have to leave early, but here are readings on the last major topic I wanted to cover for the semester, directly related to the question of the purpose of higher education, in particular views about the liberal arts vs. professional education. This is mostly material looking at the liberal arts side of that comparison.

These are again mostly short articles which I have bundled together. 

1. Definition of the liberal arts. definition of lib arts

2. Value of the liberal arts: value of la and a PPT of  results of a recent study of employers: humphreys

3. Critique of the liberal arts: critique of la

4. An essay from a book  by a public intellectual about the consequence of the loss of the arts and humanities: nussbaum

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About profhainline

Professor of Psychology at Brooklyn College;former Dean for Research and Graduate Studies; neurobehavioral/developmental psychologist by training; Principal Investigator of grants for both research and institutional programs to increase STEM diversity and improve STEM teaching; UG degree from Brown University; MA and PhD degrees from Harvard University