“And charge it please!”






“I am Eloise. I am six. I am a city child. I live at the Plaza.” This was perhaps my favorite sentence when I was a kid. Like many girls, I loved the Eloise books, but for me, they weren’t just fantastical stories, they were about a girl living the dream. Growing up in a New Jersey suburb, going to Manhattan was an exciting weekend activity. There was nothing I wanted more than to live there. Better yet, to live in the Plaza!

The Plaza had become the quintessential image of upscale New York for me. Rich guests from all over the world, a beautiful building and location, and of course, room service. Sure, my view was a bit skewed because my facts came from a story about a six year old girl who lived there and walked around like she owned the place, but I thought there was no better place on earth. I dreamed about living there, attending a gala there, even staying for just one night.

I even got to see the Plaza in person one weekend. I was smitten with the enormous, regal building. I saw people walking in and out and envied them. They just looked so posh, and there I was, a kid in jeans and a sweatshirt spending the day with her family. Of course I was quickly rushed off as we were walking somewhere else, but the image stuck: the Plaza was clearly the classiest place to be.

Even now, mentioning the Plaza brings to mind fancy rooms, extravagant parties, and wealthy people from around the world. I am not ashamed to say I still fantasize about spending a night there. Unfortunately, the $1000 a night rates are a bit out of my price range. (Birthday present anyone?)

Apparently, I’m not the only girl who feels this way as the Plaza has just introduced the Eloise Suite. You can stay in a room modeled after the one in the book, go to an Eloise themed tea party, and generally have the best night of your life. (Yes, I am a 5 year old at heart. Thanks for noticing.)

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