
Donald Trump is undeniably one of the richest men in New York, whether you love him or hate him. Trump has his made his imprint all over the upper class New York. When you hear “Trump” some might see a pompous egotistical older rich man with a ridiculous hairstyle, or you might see a genius business tycoon who takes advantage of what New York has to offer. I personally see Donald Trump as the latter. Trump can mean many different things. It can mean staying at five-star hotels, living in luxurious apartment complexes near central park, and being able to blow thousands of dollars at one time at those extravagant stores on Fifth Avenue.

Trump’s image most definitely epitomizes my idea of a wealthy New York because it represents absolutely everything upper class from five-star hotels such as Trump International Hotel and Trump SoHo New York to designer ties and shirts. As a kid, I’ve always dreamed of being able to live in these places where I would have my own bathrobe with my name written across it and be able to order Chinese food without leaving my suite. You can do all these in the five-star hotels that Trump owns in the heart of wealthy Manhattan.

I’m a fan of reality television (even though most of it is actually fake), and one of my favorite reality T.V shows has to be “The Apprentice” or “The Celebrity Apprentice” by Donald Trump. In this show, upper class New Yorkers compete with each other on various different tasks and sometimes, their knowledge of New York plays a vital role. Most of the people on the show are already wealthy businessmen and women who are looking to make even more money by working under Donald Trump.

In movies I always saw rich people with their briefcase in hand with their expensive suit and ties wandering around Manhattan and thought that everybody lived like this in NYC. I realized that not everybody is like that and you have to work your way up. The Trump image for me symbolizes wealth and prosperity, which is exactly what I wish to achieve (without the pompous and egotistical part).

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