Home is where the heart is

I’m a mutt. Yeah, most people wouldn’t want to stick themselves with that term, but there’s no other way to describe my heritage. Puerto Rican, Italian, German, and lastly  Irish. So, where does my loyalty lie? To make my life simpler when explaining I tend to say Spanish and Italian.  However, if I really sit down and think about it, Aren’t we all just really American? If we’re born here, does that not mean we “pledge our allegiance” here? 


When I think about what culture I really feel comfortable with, it’s definitely with the Italians. I mean come on, who could resist that amazing Sunday dinner and the entire family knowing all your business. Okay, maybe I can pass on the whole nosey family thing but the food, oh man…the food. Every time we all get together it’s like a buffet, and even though every year we promise to make less, it always seems to be more. The pasta, the chicken, the eggplant, the pasta, the salad, the pasta, its endless. I can’t even get started on the desserts! It seems like every time we meet it’s to feed an army. I live by the quote “home is where the heart is.” My heart lies with my family without a doubt.

I’ll admit it, that’s totally not my family, but in my dorm I don’t have the resources I need to uncover a family portrait. However, this could very easily be my family. The ridiculous amount of children and the rowdy adults. I may be a hell of a lot of things, but Italian is the one I’m most proud of…

Unless you watch Jersey Shore, that’s just embarrassing.

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