A city of dreams

Do I consider New York as my eden? or my inferno? That’s a good question, one I’ve never really thought about even though I’ve lived in this city my whole life. I attempted to write this blog a few times but did not know how to address this question. After pondering over this question throughout the whole week, and keeping my eyes open in terms of what this city has to offer, I would definitely consider New York as my eden.

One of the things that makes it  an eden for me is definitely the diversity that NYC has to offer. Everywhere I go, I come across people of so many different backgrounds and religions; something that I can’t imagine living without. Some people prefer to stick with their own communities so they feel as if they’re in their own country while others like to associate with people of other cultures. My parents are friendly people and have become friendly with our neighbors of Italian descent, but at the end of the day they prefer to stick with their own communities because they know what the culture is like and feel more comfortable in it. I, on the other hand have learned so much about people because of the diversity and come to be a more open and accepting person, as a result. The diversity found in NYC can’t be found anywhere else. If I were living somewhere in Utah, I would definitely condemn homosexuality and I would probably be a homophobe. But because I live in NYC. I’ve met and become friends with people who are gay or bisexual and honestly, I couldn’t care less. I’ve gotten to know who they are as people and learned that their sexual orientation doesn’t define them. I wouldn’t have had the chance to meet these people if it weren’t for NYC and I’m not ashamed to call them my friends.

Another reason I find NYC to be a very desirable place is the transportation system. It makes it so easy for people to get from one place to another especially for those who lack a car, permit or license. It’s a fairly cheap system of transportation with so many different trains and buses, and the ferry. I have no idea how I would get to my friend’s house or to school if it wasn’t for the MTA. My dad would want to kill me if I asked him to drive me somewhere everyday. NYC definitely provides me with the opportunity of being independent in the sense that I can go anywhere and not have to rely on anyone for a ride. Independence is something that is very attractive to a lot of people.

Most importantly, what makes NYC my eden is the opportunities that can be found. I know the reason my dad came to the United States was because he felt it was the best place to be successful, support a family, and have a decent living especially for someone without a very strong academic background. My dad’s traveled to many different countries like Turkey, Germany, and London to name a few and he chose to live in this city. He realized this city has so much to offer and that’s why he chose to stay here.I’ve asked him a few times why he chose NYC and he always shrugs his shoulders and says it’s just better. I appreciate this city so much more after having been to Pakistan and seeing the living conditions there. It’s so much worse off there and I’m glad I live in such a city that offers people so many opportunities to make it big and be successful. People always dream of coming to New York City to earn fame and fortune because this city presents people with so many different possibilities to be prosperous.

For me, NYC will always be my eden because there’s something about this city that makes me love it so much. I can never get bored of this city; there’s always so much to do and see – something that will hopefully never change. I definitely plan on traveling and visiting other countries but I can’t imagine calling another city home.


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