Author Archives: Reinard Bukalan

About Reinard Bukalan

Hi, my name is Reinard Bukalan. I am of Filipino descent however I was born and raised in the United States. I am currently a freshman in the Macaulay Honors College program at CUNY Queens College. I hope to meet plenty of new friends and to experience plenty of awesome things over the years here at Queens College. I'm a pretty chill and active person who plays sports and many instruments. Sometimes I'll be a bit reclusive and I'll stay on the computer, play some games, and watch some movies, but don't we all? :) I am who I am. I respect everyone and I hold no grudges. I treat people as I expect to be treated most of the time. I just like everything to be chill!

Posts by Reinard Bukalan

RB 4--posted on Nov 6, 2011
RB 3--posted on Nov 6, 2011
RB 2--posted on Nov 6, 2011
RB 1--posted on Nov 6, 2011
Nothing is More American Than an… Immigrant?--posted on Oct 30, 2011
RB 5--posted on Oct 30, 2011
RB 4--posted on Oct 30, 2011
RB 3--posted on Oct 30, 2011
RB 2--posted on Oct 30, 2011
RB 1--posted on Oct 30, 2011

Comments by Reinard Bukalan

"None taken :)"
--( posted on Oct 23, 2011, commenting on the post The Phillipines is an archipelago of islands full of Asians who have Spanish names and speak English. )