Author Archives: zohari7

Posts by zohari7

10/2/11--posted on Oct 2, 2011
10/1/11--posted on Oct 2, 2011
10/1/11--posted on Oct 2, 2011
9/26/11--posted on Sep 27, 2011
Signs that things are going kinda well--posted on Sep 25, 2011
Glitz & Glamour < Great Middle-Class Friends--posted on Sep 23, 2011
Addiction--posted on Sep 21, 2011
Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes.--posted on Sep 20, 2011
The Bald Soprano, AKA The Roof Caught on Fire AKA What A Coincidence--posted on Sep 20, 2011
Big Ben--posted on Sep 19, 2011

Comments by zohari7

"Rui Yan, I think your outlier opinions are often really interesting--embrace it!"
--( posted on Dec 11, 2011, commenting on the post Let Me Be the Outlier for One Last Time )
"Your pic with Jesse is the best one of all. Love your good humor :)"
--( posted on Oct 24, 2011, commenting on the post A post having absolutely nothing to do with sex slaves )
"I can't handle how funny you are. This forever shall be the video I use to cheer myself up."
--( posted on Oct 24, 2011, commenting on the post Vlog – The Magic of Music )
"I realized it was ridiculous that I didn't know what the song that means so much to me actually means. So I read the summary under the Youtube video and found the lyrics. Hence my title."
--( posted on Oct 2, 2011, commenting on the post If the doors of the generous ones are locked, The doors of the sky won’t be locked )