I wanna get off!

I love the sound of the stop request button. It’s so fun to press, but I hate it when other people press it especially when I’m running late in the morning.

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A yummy gyro after a long day of classes with an old friend. 🙂

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Only if this money plant made real money…

"Majestic plant"

The results of five years of plant growth 😀

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Our Big Ben Library :]

As pointed out by my Calculus teacher: Who knew the Roman numeral for ‘4’ was ‘IIII’?

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Yes, i do stare at that deliciousness ALL day at work.

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My mom’s cooking makes me “Feliz”

A delicious dinner always makes me happy :D

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You’re single because you don’t have a job.

College is definitely not all about studying. It’s about partying and getting jobs to afford a date, right? I saw this notice outside my Chemistry Lecture Hall. Uhmm…where’s the tutoring schedule notice? Or the notice about selling old chemistry books? Oh wait, its hidden behind all the other ones.

But yea, need a job to afford a date guys? Don’t hesitate to call (718) 321-1830 (:

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He’s looking at you…

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You’ll never cease to amaze me.

On my way to college -Main Street.

“So, that’s three exams in total, one book to read, and four writing assignments.  Well, I’m almost done with reading the book, but oh…I still need to write my thoughts about it. I’ll try fitting that in after my Bio studying today…Am I getting late?”

*Looks up, checks watch, looks around*

Outside the bus window, frozen in the sky lies the most beautiful rainbow I’ve ever seen.

Time can fly and the errands can build up. College can crawl in your brain and screw your nerves up.  The trees, the streets, and the skies all really stay the same. Amidst our worries, we all become blind to the beauty around us. We should really start appreciating nature, because it is one thing that never ceases to truly amaze you.


How dare you…

THANKS for teaching me the obvious! Here I was expecting college to enlighten me and polish my rust away with its power of knowledge. I expected myself to be drowning in a world of scholars and intellects. Who was I kidding?

I saw this notice next to the elevator by the Financial Aid office. I never knew taking the stairs was healthier! But is it my health what you really care for? I’m not buying it. You had the audacity to tell me to take the stairs rather than the elevator for my convenience? *CLICK* –the elevator should come up anytime now.

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