Definitely Eden


I’ve lived in New York my entire life, so I really can’t imagine living anywhere else. Some may associate New York as a very dangerous or frustrating place (with all the rude people and traffic), but I personally think it’s one of the greatest places to live in. New York is fun, lively, convenient, cultural, diverse, and full of opportunities… The list just goes on and on. How can you ever get bored in a city like this? There is so much to do! For the past decade or so, I’ve lived in Queens. Compared to the city, it’s a lot less crowded (except in Flushing). I love living in Queens though. Living in a quiet neighborhood allows me to appreciate the city more, since I was only able to go on occasion.

My favorite part of New York City is definitely the Broadway shows. I saw my first show when I was about thirteen. My family and I watched Beauty and the Beast and I was completely fascinated with the incredible setting, costumes, acting, and of course, the singing. Ever since that show, I became a Broadway fanatic, always looking for opportunities to persuade my mother to buy me tickets to another show. There is such a variety in theater and other forms of entertainment in New York. There are works of art everywhere in our city, from the skyscrapers to the random street performances. New York also has so many famous landmarks such as Rockefeller Center, Columbus Circle and Central Park. There are a ton of places to explore and learn from.

Another great thing about New York is the FOOD. There are restaurants here from practically every culture in the world. French, Russian, Indian, Chinese restaurants can all be found on the same block! Where else can you find such variety? In Chinatown, there is an endless supply of Chinese food. Walk a few blocks down, and you’re in Little Italy, where you can have an elaborate Italian feast. I don’t know about you, but I find this pretty amazing.

Other than its cultural diversity, New York is also known for its convenient public transportation system. The MTA service is usually pretty reliable for me. I’m able to get to wherever I need to go quite easily. I could literally go anywhere I desire with the swipe of a MetroCard. The trains and buses come so frequently; I barely have to wait! The only negative outcome from this is that I rely a bit too much on public transportation and have no motivation to get my driver’s license. But on the other hand, why would I want to drive and deal with all that traffic when I can just step onto a bus or train and let MTA do the work? (and gas is EXPENSIVE these days!)

I know New York may be a bit overcrowded and dirty sometimes, but I think the qualities above make up for these flaws. I still can’t imagine living anywhere other than New York. There is so much to experience here, and so much more I have to learn about this city…and that’s why I’m in Macaulay!

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KF 11/19/11

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KF 11/19/11

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KF 11/19/11

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Occupy Everything Possible…

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KC 11.20.11

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Beautiful Chaos.

It seems needless to say that for the elite New York City is their Eden. It’s their magically place filled with anything their little wealthy hearts desire. Following this logic, one would think that those who are not as affluent would be less satisfied with the city and view it more as an inferno. However, for me, the awe of the city prevails despite my lack of a penthouse on Central Park West.

Being that I don’t even have my permit, and my family doesn’t have a car, one of the primary things that I love about the city is the independence that public transportation grants me. Yes, I have MANY grievances with the always late, and not always reliable service of the MTA, but despite these reservations, I love the city’s public transit system. With busses and trains, I don’t have to worry about having a ride to and from work, school, or any place for that matter. All I need is my beautiful unlimited metrocard (which I have no idea how I survived without before this semester), and a somewhat decent sense of direction, and then I’m on my way. Not to mention the entertainment that the people on public transit provide. Where else is it acceptable to fall asleep on a stranger or break out your mariachi band?

I also love New York for its diversity and easy access. Walking less than a block from my house, I can find a Laundromat, deli, school (unfortunately not mine), a couple restaurants and more. For someone who is an avid walker like myself, New York is the ideal location. I remember talking to a friend of mine about this about a month ago, and she was telling me that where she lives (Oklahoma) there aren’t even paved sidewalks for people to walk on because it is expected that everyone just own their own car. If New York was like that, there is no way in hell (or in my case Eden) that I would be able to stay sane.

The variety of culture draws me to life in New York as well. It is one thing to learn about a nation’s dress, food, and customs in a textbook, but a completely different experience to learn about such things first hand. I’m so grateful that I do not live in a place where everyone shares the same beliefs, customs, religion, and ethnicity because quite frankly I think that would be INCREDIBLY BORING. I love the freedom that one is given in New York City to explore new things, and the generally accepting nature of those that live here.

Yes, New York has its flaws. There are many who are crazed by the frantic and overall cramped experience of the city, but I love it. The hustle and bustle keeps me feeling engaged in the world around me, and even if I don’t get my penthouse any time soon, I still have may Eden, my New York.

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“And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto the man to see what he would call them; and whatsoever the man would call every living creature, that was to be the name thereof.” (Genesis 2:19)

As someone who has always learned Bible in school, the comparison of New York to Eden brings up some interesting imagery in my mind. The verse above refers to Adam naming all the animals. Although God had created them before, and they had been around, Adam was given the job of assigning names to each creature. In a strange way, this immediately reminded me of New York. Although structurally the city has been around for quite a while, it’s up to man to “name” it. The city is what people see it as. Times Square could be a quasi-Red Light District, or a tourist mecca. TriBeCa could be an area for factories, or a new trendy neighborhood. The Village could be a place for artists, or a college town. Our views of New York are ever changing and subjective.

That being said, on a less literal note, New York is definitely my Eden. As a kid, going to New York was a fun and exciting activity. Sure, we might have to visit my great-grandmother (which at the time felt like a chore), but after we could walk around the streets, get a Mr. Softee ice cream, maybe find an interesting fair going on.

As I got older, New York was an escape from suburbia. Rather than being stuck in Bergenfield New Jersey with very few options, groups of friends would make the trip to the city. Bright lights always greeted us as we exited Port Authority and the possibilities seemed endless. (Although I will say these outings usually ended up consisting of shopping and eating, things we very well could have done in New Jersey).

Family trips to New York also became more exciting as we learned about Student Rush Tickets. Over the years, I have been to more Broadway shows than I can remember and I have loved every minute of it. For the low price of $25, I watched shows in awe, bopping my head to the music, trying to guess the plot twists, and coveting every costume.

Even now that I live in NYC, the magic hasn’t disappeared. I love exploring new places that Macaulay sends me. This year, I’ve seen even more theaters, finally got to go inside Lincoln Center, and spent a lot more time in Midtown than I would have guessed. Because NYC is so big, there are always new places to explore and interesting things to discover. Just today, I was in the Financial District for the first time. Walking around I saw adorable restaurants, buildings, and even a bar that’s been around since 1817.

I think New York can be compared to an Eden in that it holds everything you need to survive. It is filled with a variety of food and entertainment. It is an almost universal dream to live and New York and just be able to take advantage of all that it holds. If I could spend every day wandering through the city finding interesting art, food, performances, and history, I would be so happy.

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RB 5

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RB 4

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