What Art is All About

Ten minutes have passed and I simply cannot put into words what art means to me. Art is the feeling I get when I see an old photograph or the chills that appear on my arms when I listen to my favorite song. There are many forms of art. Some people think of art as what you see in a museum, but I couldn’t disagree with this statement more. To me, art can be anything and everything. I believe that the turkey sandwich I made for lunch today, or even the laundry piling up on my floor, are art. Both of these get a reaction out of me, and that is what art is all about.

One of my most recent experiences with art occurred as I was waiting in line for the ferry to get to the Statue of Liberty. No, I’m not about to rant about how beautiful Lady Liberty is. Rather, I am going to share with you an amazing artist that I met. It was a hot summer day and the line hadn’t moved in minutes. As my cousins and I waited and waited, we heard an unfamiliar sound from the distance. The artist slowly made his way through the crowd and when he finally came close enough for me to see him, I was astonished. Using a large rounded pot, the artist had created an instrument. This seems like an unconventional form of art, but he had managed to create such beautiful sounds out of an everyday object. Seeing the amazement in my eyes, he said to me, “What is your ethnicity?” I told him that my parents are from Iran and he immediately began to play Happy Birthday in Farsi. A smile had formed from one cheek of mine to the other, and that is what art is all about.

I’d like to share with you a form of art that I find really interesting. Banksy is an English graffiti artist who uses his street art as a form of political activism. He travels the world and leaves an imprint wherever he goes. Although Banksy has won several awards and is well known for his art, he allows everyone to view his art for free. No one has to pay an entrance fee to get into a museum and see his work, and that is what I like most about him. The image below is one of my favorite pieces by Banksy.


Banksy is making a statement about the effects of social media on young adults. Many people rely on likes or comments to make them feel accepted. Although social media has its benefits, it has also led to depression and suicide in many young adults. This is a problem that many people today don’t take seriously. Banksy is using his talent to teach people about today’s issues, and that is what art is all about.

Although I truly enjoyed visiting the Brooklyn Museum, the paintings and sculptures that I saw didn’t accurately portray my vision of art. Obviously those who created the paintings and sculptures put in a lot of effort to create them and they are clearly beautiful, but I personally find that museums care more about making money than allowing their visitors to immerse themselves in art. Honestly, I find it kind of frustrating to stare at a painting and try to figure out what the artist means. But then again, maybe that’s not what the artist wanted. Maybe we’re all supposed to look at a painting and turn it into our own by using our personal experiences. I guess writing this blog is making me question myself. Isn’t that what art is really all about?

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