Art: The Application of Creativity

How can anyone have a concrete definition of what art is? The word art has no limits, no boundaries. I used to believe that art just meant colors, paintings, drawings things of that sort. But now i understand that art can be anything you desire.You can create anything and call it art if you please. Why would you neglect someone the right to call their creations art? Art is something unique that people create, using their imagination or skill, with the resources they have. Art can be a representation of an idea, or some form of an expression of a belief. It can vary from the simplest of things to the most complex.

I obviously do not believe that the only art that can be found is in a “Brooklyn Museum” or “El greco.” How the owners of the museums choose what goes into them baffles me. I have yet to see museums that show graffiti or food in them. I believe everyone is an artist. You can be a culinary artist or a animal grooming artist or a tattoo artist. I have nothing against museums. They are inspiring fascinating and captivating, but i feel they lack modern day work.  I want to go to a museum that infuses everything in it. Not your classic sculptures of people with no arms or splattered paintings. I want to go to a musuem that captures the audiences view of what art really is. I want to go to a museum that plays music, that has a tattoo gallery, and that has pictures of street art.


These two works were created by a piecer named Chris Saint. He is very well know in California. He, as well as his clients consider the work that he does art. He expresses his creativity through his unconventional. He is happy doing what he does because he gets to follow his passion as well as make his clients happy. If that isn’t considered art i don’t know what is. Art does not have to be conventional. It can be something created for self fullfilment or to express emotion. Art shows our true colors. We identify ourselves with what we create. It isn’t logical for there to be a standard.





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