If Only

I haven’t really valued the song Cool Kids that much up until this week. Echosmith, does a fabulous job of taking a simple idea and creating a relatable and very catchy song. Listen to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSCzDykng4g , Now Think About it. It’s sad to say that at one point of our lives we have all wished to be a “cool kid,” whatever definition it had for you. This song is  relatable because the general idea that people have about what being a cool kid meant, is having a lot of money and being snobby. I believe that there are nice people among every economic and social status, however the general public seems to coincide the idea of wealthy folk as proud and spoiled creatures. For the case of my argument i will go along with the general idea of the mass and agree that “rich people” tend to be superficial. This song is the epitome of what it means to be wealthy and part of the uptown crew. For example, some lines of the song like “Nothing can bring them down,” “…their invincible,” and “they live the good life,” are just few examples of what people think when they are competing with those of the upper class. If your wealthy, you obviously have no worries, you have everything you want and don’t need and life is perfection. Who wouldn’t want to be a “rich kid?” Even if “they [cool kids] don’t know where they are going,” they still happen to fit in and be just fine. Why can’t it be this simple for everyone else? It shouldn’t be to difficult to achieve right? Wrong! Us normal folk must work to survive, we must have a plan and we must succeed at at.

 Breakfast at Tiffany’s and In Arabia We’d All Be Kings are perfect examples of how unrealistic it is to reach toward a dream that simply, and sadly, cannot be. Not all dreams are possible to obtain, but come on. Where is the common sense? Breakfast at Tiffany’s starts out with a beautiful young adorned in jewels and dressed as if she were worth a million bucks. She’s strolling  outside of Tiffany & Co. and eats her upsetting little breakfast staring into the store. We later see her entering her very small unfurnished and disorganized apartment. Its confusing at first but little by little you realize that this silly little women is as superficial as can be. She is an extremely naive woman who believes that she will be successful if she can get her hands on a rich man. She believes that nothing bad can ever happen in Tiffany’s and therefore belies that if she acquires a lot of money everything will be alright with her as well. Her dream is out of reach but she refuses to realize that what she desires is unattainable. In arabia we’d all be kings follows the same principle. The play involves many simple minded people with high hopes of “success.” Lenny an alcoholic ex convict tries to regain his manhood after being raped in jail, his girlfriend Daisy wishes to find herself a real man, Demaris wishes to gain money and become successful by owning a gun and becoming a prostitute,and Charlie believes himself a Jedi warrior who longs to protect chickie, skank’s girlfriend. They all wish to be something better than they are. However, as the playwriter depicts them, they are all “scum.” Most of them are either alcoholic or drug addicts, and they are proud and foul mouthed. They all lack self pity and lead their lives with a sense of humour. Extremely unrealistic and just sad.



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