“New York, Concrete Jungle Where Dreams are Made Up”

In my first blog I wrote about how each person perceives art differently, so I’m going to write my last blog about how each person perceives New York City differently. I say this in the least cheesy way possible, but let’s face it: New York City is a work of art. From the complex architecture of each and every skyscraper to the hand drawn graffiti on the sides of bodegas, New York City represents art in every way.

I would have never expected to learn so much about New York City in my first semester of college. I’m not going to lie, when I first found out that we would be taking a class called “The Arts in New York City” I was a bit apprehensive. I’ve never been that person to go out of my way to visit a museum or even to go to my high school productions, so this class definitely made me feel some type of way. After spending weeks upon weeks in this class, I’m glad I can say that I truly enjoyed every aspect of it. From watching movies that I never thought I’d watch to visiting historic areas of New York City to attending performance upon performance, I have learned more in the past few months about New York City than I’ve learned in the last 18 years.

It’s not easy to pick a favorite. We’ve analyzed each piece so in depth that I’ve grown to love even the ones that I was traumatized by (Birds With Sky Mirrors). But I can say that I found The Muppets Take Manhattan to be the most true to New York City. Yeah, let’s face it, the film with puppets represents New York City better than Robert DeNiro did. Now, I’m not saying that DeNiro didn’t do an outstanding job, because we all know he did, but The Muppets Take Manhattan showed a different side to New York City, a side that many people fail to acknowledge.

This film goes over many different topics that are true to New York City. So many people come here thinking that they are going to “make it big” and become famous or wealthy, but the reality of the matter is that becoming successful takes a lot more than just coming to the Big Apple. The film also shows the many different types of people that you’d find here. Different types of social classes are displayed, such as the students, the waiters, and the big shots on Broadway. All in all, although there are so many people surrounding you, it is so easy to remain anonymous. Another theme represented in the film was robbery. While walking through Central Park, Miss Piggy’s purse gets stolen. With the economic hardships many people face today, some people feel that stealing is the only option they have left. Although all the little rats going into the restaurant was supposed to be a funny scene, it holds true to a major rat problem that New York City faces. Rats surround the streets and buildings of New York City, leaving residents at risk of being bitten and catching diseases or just leaving many kitchens filled with filth.

Although New York City may not be what many people dream it is, it is obviously a quite unique place. Why else would everyone be dying to come here? People don’t come to freeze in the cold weather in the winter, that’s for sure. New York City is home to many natives and becomes home to many foreigners. Whether you work on Wall Street or are just visiting Times Square, New York City will hold a special place in your heart, and that is what art is all about.

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