Filming Feelings Unfolded

This assignment was like no other I have done before. I have put on little plays and skits for various classes, but nothing was ever filmed. Working in front of a camera is much more nerve wrecking. I have performed in enormous crowds, but the camera for some reason has so much more power over bringing out my anxious side.

Working in groups to put on this film was actually a lot of fun. When we were brainstorming about how we wanted to interpret the script everyone was so excited. I remember how I told everyone that since we just had to follow the script we could add a part in the beginning and show Cris and Kel before getting into the dialogue. Everyone was smiling at me and saying how great of an idea it was. I felt really proud; it is often harder for me to come up with creative ideas because I have never really been pushed in that area. We all worked very well together from the start, giving each other new ideas constantly. I think this project was different than others because it required true collaboration. We each had some kind of input for every decision that had to be made, and we could not move on without knowing if the others were on board with the idea.

One of the most difficult parts was performing in front of the camera. Even after memorizing my lines and rehearsing them over and over again, when it came time to film it was as if I had never even looked at the script. I did have a lot of fun memorizing my lines with Victoria because we just kept going over them and laughing at how we made the same mistakes constantly. It is really hard to overcome challenges like that because although you know exactly where you are messing up, it is very hard to fix it. I hate to admit it because the whole group is making fun of me for it, but when I happened to brush Victoria’s arm in the first scene was one of my favorite moments. We all watched the clip right after and we laughed so hard. They still make fun of me for it weeks later and I imagine they will until senior year, but it was the funniest moment in our filming.

I am looking forward to viewing the other movies and seeing how the other groups chose to create it. This project taught me that words could be interpreted in so many ways. Without viewing the other movies, from how our group functioned I noticed how we all thought differently of each little part. In the end we worked together to decide how we wanted the audience to view it, but in the beginning we all had a variety of views. If I was part of a different group I am sure that even with the same ideas I contributed to our movie, the final product would turn out very differently. As each of the group members’ ideas are taken into account the image of the film shifts a little. This will definitely be one of the projects that I will remember and be talking about years from now.

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