Organizing to Prevent Exploitation

Why Immigrants Organize, by Immanuel Ness explains how immigrant workers are exploited and without the “exit” plan that native-born workers have, have no choice but to fight back by establishing their own organized strikes. Ness explains how because of the U.S. economy has begun to lean more towards neoliberalism there is less government regulation therefore businesses and corporation are more inclined pay immigrant workers below minimum-wage and exploit them because of their lack of status and ignorance. The article furthers examines the relationship between established native-born unions and immigrant-formed work organizations. The author encourages unions to support these groups while leaving them enough room to remain autonomous. Ness also explains how these immigrants are more inclined to act because of the identity niches that the immigrants have worked and lived in. They may share a common ethnicity, religion, and experience the same things and are therefore more sympathetic  and willing to work for a common cause.

In Tarry Hum’s article, Persistent Polarization in the New York Workforce: New Findings of Labor Market Segmentation, the data and statistics clearly demonstrates why immigrants are discontent about their working conditions and wages. The data shows how immigrants work the most menial and insecure jobs such as construction and transportation. Many are much more qualified for other jobs yet because of the language barrier and prejudices they face, they may be forced to work in these jobs. Some of these jobs are high-risk and yet many immigrants are paid below average wages. The businesses and corporations that hire these immigrants are blatantly exploitive. Given the few options immigrants have, as Ness explains, they will attempt to change their work situation instead once they realize how they are exploited and treated so disrespectfully.

The forming of immigrant work groups should be encouraged. With numbers comes power and greater influence over these exploitive businesses. The government should step in as well and provide support for these people. Specifically, laws should be enforced and immigrants made more aware of their rights as transnational workers. Whether or not they are documented workers, they should still have basic rights as human beings.

Immigrant Entrepreneurship

In Jonathan Bowles’ “Immigrant Entrepreneurism: An Engine for Economic Recovery,” the emerging influence of immigrant business on the New York’s economy is discussed. He argues that immigrants have, in recent years, come a long way in terms of visibility and impact in local communities, especially heavily concentrated immigrant communities. While the amount of native born Americans that are starting their own businesses is on the decline, immigrant entrepreneurship has been soaring; a record fifty-three percent increase of immigrants who are self employed has been recorded from 1990-2000.

Despite this massive growth of immigrant entrepreneurship, Bowles argues that we have barely began to skim the surface of the capacity of immigrants to bring about major economic revitalization in the five boroughs. Bowles makes a number of points, championing the expansion of government assistance to small immigrant businesses, as well as funding to nonprofit groups that have a direct link to the immigrant population. Nonprofit groups and immigrant-based and oriented organizations can offer advice in a language and culture that immigrants are most receptive to.

Throughout the article, Bowles makes it a point to reiterate that “…only a relatively small number of immigrants who own restaurants or other retail businesses have expanded into larger space or opened stores in additional locations.” From first-hand knowledge of the area where I live, College Point, I argue that the College Point/Flushing area is an exception to Bowles’ point; the thriving Asian businesses in Flushing have provided a segue for their successful expansion in College Point.

Flushing can easily be referred to as a hub of economic activity–businesses have put down their roots in Flushing, oftentimes sprawling over great areas of land. In addition, many ethnic chain stores have been established: Kung Fu Tea and Quickly’s are two examples of drink shops that serve beverages and eateries unique to the Asian culture. Recently, a Kung Fu Tea shop, as well Kam Man Foods (a large supermarket) has opened in a new complex in College Point. From the times I have patronized these businesses, I’ve observed bustling crowds–of both Asians and of other ethnicities. Though I can’t confirm whether or not these businesses received assistance from the government or non profit organizations, it appears that the success of these retailers has been directly influenced by the success of the same chains in Flushing.


Korean Immigrant Entrepreneurship

My Korean immigrant neighbors have been in the United States longer than I’ve been alive. I grew up having them as both my neighbors and as my neighborhood grocers. When I saw the topic of this seminar’s discussion, I decided to talk with them about their experience of starting their own business in Elmhurst.

 Mr. and Mrs. Kim arrived here in the early 90s. They came here hoping to establish their own business because of what they had heard about Elmhurst from their American family members. They recounted to me the network of family and friends that helped to get them started in America. Within a year, they established a town grocery and delicatessen in an already existent retail space on the corner of my block.
This deli served a great number of people in my immediate community. It out-competed another close business in terms of cleanliness and variety, so much so that  the other business eventually shut its doors. Another factor in the Kim’s success was that they served both American commercial items as well as ethnic based goods. These ethnic based items appealed not only to Koreans, but also to Chinese, Hispanic and Indian customers. This well demonstrates the notion of the middleman minority.
Funny enough, though they eventually left because of rent disputes, the grocery was taken up by another Korean family. What are the Kim’s doing now, you might ask? They’re running a dry cleaners out of Forest Hills, and their teenage son wants to work in finance. Though this is just a case study, I was interested in just how parallel their lives run to the descriptions of Korean immigrants given in our readings.

Immigrant Entreprenuership

Dae Young Kim’s Beyond Co-ethnic Solidarity: Mexican and Ecuadorean Employment in Korean-Owned Businesses in New York City explains the relationship of co-ethnic employer and co-ethnic employees and how gradually, the employment by independent self-employed Korean businesses started to change.  Kim explains that since the 1970s, there has been an increase in self-employment rate. According to the reading, the 1990 US Census data showed the self-employment rate for Koreans to be estimated at 35 percent. Koreans were forced to turn to self-employment mainly because of language barrier. To find workers and employers who were trustworthy, the Korean immigrants had to turn to other Koreans for help.

I could relate my dad and the company he works for to this reading. Similarly, my dad and his brother in law are also engaged in co-ethnic employment. My uncle already settled in the United States and established his own ATM business (self-employment) and because he was looking for co-ethnic labor, my dad was able to get the job pretty easily.

This ethnic solidarity had both its ups and downs. At first, co-ethnic employers and employees were both benefitting from this trade. The employers found cheap labor that was willing to over-work. However, soon, these employees established their own businesses that soon turned into competition. For Koreans, working for these independent Korean companies was just a temporary measure. They also soon wanted to establish their own store after the “business training” from other companies.

Since the 1980s, with more independent businesses and less Korean immigrants, co-ethnic labor was scarce along with the increase in cost. This resulted in search for another type of labor force for the Korean employers. According to one of the interviews in the reading, Holiday Cleaners’ owner mentions, “Mexicans were employed because it became a big burden to employ Koreans”. Korean employees expected special treatment just because they were Koreans while the Mexicans were willing to work for smaller amount of money. Because the employers could hire two or three decent Mexican workers for the price of a Korean worker, they couldn’t resist but hire them for certain types of jobs. Kim also predicts that Mexican and Ecuadorean employment is going to continue to increase.

Immigrant Entrepreneurship

In Jonathan Bowles  Immigrant Entrepreneurism: An Engine for Economic Recovery, he discusses the impact that immigrants have had on the US businesses. Bowles argues that immigrants (who are 30% more likely to start up a new business as compared to non-immigrants) are the key to boosting the New York City economy. RIght now, these immigrant run businesses have more capability than they are reaching. Many different factors hinder these businesses to reach the amount of income they can truly reach. In such a diverse area such as New York City, if a business is run in a language other than English, they attract people of their own race but they are not able to reach many other nationalities. Bowles argues that the government should work towards encouraging these small immigrant businesses to thrive so that the city in itself can generate more income.

These immigrant owned businesses can easily be seen in a drive down Hillside Avenue in Queens, New York. There are Indian food markets, restaurants and beauty salons on every corner. Everywhere you look there are businesses made up of people who have recently come to this country and with the little money they had, have created a flourishing business. Many times, people tend to avoid “American” grocery stores in order to support their fellow Asians in their business.

The Evolution of Immigrant Entrepreneurship

Jonathan Bowles’ article, entitled “Immigrant Entrepreneurship: An Engine for Economic Recovery,” gives a good introduction as to both the pros and cons regarding immigrant entrepreneurship. Bowles’ article could arguably be a bit biased since it was published so soon after the economic downturn that took place in 2008, but regardless, many points are still valid. He notes that immigrant businesses over the past ten to twenty years have become “a powerful engine of economic growth,” immigrants being 30% more likely to start their own business. Immigrant-founded businesses have superseded the stereotypical food establishments or bodegas and have delved into health care or Silicon Valley-esque technology firms. This is evidence that immigrants are very much capable of “making it” in today’s economy.

However, the struggle lies in the lack of a support system. Being recent immigrants, these business owners often know little of American business practices, have a credit history, or know the right sources to go to for financial advice, and these factors are what lead to the failure of the business. Bowles makes an extremely valid point that the success stories needed little support in their start-ups, so if perhaps, the bureaucracy could dedicate just some attention to the needs of these recent immigrants, an economy that claims to be built off small businesses can be restored to its former glory.

Bearing in mind Bowles’ analysis, Chapter 4 of Min’s book, “Korean Immigrants’ Economic Segregation,” describes a textbook example of the economic advantages of an immigrant enclave. Min breaks down the businesses of Koreatown, documenting importers and wholesalers, professional firms, as well as more everyday businesses such as food markets and nail salons. He articulates that Koreans have the highest rate of starting a business amongst other minorities, often times because that is their intention in coming to this country and they have properly prepared themselves via language classes and vocational school. A notable observation of Min’s notes the Korean business owners’ tendency to cater towards African-American communities. Though they are by no means more concentrated in these neighborhoods, their clientele often is. Min argues that perhaps in gearing business practices towards this group, Korean businesses aren’t actually catering to African-American customers, but rather to lower-income ones.

This can then be directly linked to Kim’s study “Beyond co-ethnic solidarity: Mexican and Ecuadorian employment in Korean-owned businesses in New York City.” Kim outlines how Korean businesses are increasingly abandoning the practice of co-ethnic employment in favor of hiring lower-wage seeking Latinos. Of course there are multiple factors for this shift: a decrease in Korean immigration, the high benefit costs of Korean employees, etc., but it could be argued that the Korean business practiced geared towards lower-income customers could thereby be extended to employees, and thus such a shift occurs.

Immigrant Entrepreneurship

During recent times of economic downturn, the search for potential wells of economic hope has consumed the nation and its cities. One source that’s had significant impact is the most recent wave of immigration and its affect on enterprise. Jonathan Bowles reasons in his article Immigrant Entrepreneurism: An Engine for Economic Recovery that although the inherent benefits of immigrant entrepreneurism have begun to take effect, their maximum potential has not been achieved due to several debilitating factors, at least in New York.

Statistics such immigrants being 30% more likely to start a new business than native-born citizens and a dramatic, 53%, increase in self employed immigrants undeniably demonstrate their economic power. He continues to bring numbers that demonstrate this one fact.

On the other hand disadvantages that include a lack of financial literacy, the language barrier and overzealous regulations have inhibited the potential of these immigrants. They are less likely to expand their businesses and those already open have lower average receipts than their counterparts in other cities.

Fortunately there is cause for optimism. Several new initiatives have been proposed to increase trust and assist non-governmental and community organizations with the growth of the immigrant economy. Hopefully this growth can revitalize the economy as a whole as well.

Immigrant Entrepreneurship

Immigrants play a huge role in creating businesses in the United States. In a study done nationwide, in November 2008, it was found that immigrants are nearly 30 percent more likely to start a business than non-immigrants (Bowles 2009). A study done by Jonathan Bowles reveals that immigrants drove all the growth in New York City’s self-employed population between 1990 and 2000. Interestingly enough, the number of foreign-born self-employed individuals totaled 64,001 while the number of native-born self-employed individuals totaled 15,657. Flushing and Sunset Park had a big jump in the increase of new businesses, 55% and 47% respectively, and the first thing that comes to find when you think about those two neighborhoods is the outstanding Asian population in those two neighborhoods.

Asians have generally played an important role, the past few decades, in the creation of businesses in the United States, primarily in California and New York. More Specifically, Korean immigrants have been known to be self-employed primarily in Los Angeles, and New York City. Korean immigrants, in the 1990 census, actually had the highest self-employment rate among all minority and immigrant groups in Los Angeles, exceeding even the native-born Whites of Russian ancestry (Min 1996). The question to ask to understand this phenomenon is: “Why has starting a business become ‘a cultural fashion’ among Koreans?” And the answer is based upon two key factors: culture and disadvantage. The culture theory (Kim 1999) examines the rationale of some immigrants to bring some of their home country into their new society. While the disadvantage theory analyzes the disadvantages Korean immigrants face such as: poor English, licensing requirements, American credentials, discrimination, etc. (Kim 1999).

Immigrant Entrepreneurs

In an earlier reading about Urban Enclaves, one of the authors discussed how many Latinos were the labor force driving the Asian restaurants and businesses, working in the kitchens and such in neighborhoods such as Flushing. This week’s reading went further in depth about immigrant labor. Two of the articles discussed the growing trend of Latino immigrants working in Korean immigrants’ businesses.

The trend is due to a number of factors. It starts out with the Korean immigrants. Korean immigrants arrive in America, and they encounter many struggles; one of the examples Kim gave was that their credentials earned in Korea don’t necessarily transfer over. Hence, they turn to other Koreans who have set up their own businesses. The problem, though, is that these Koreans only stay to learn the basic information. As Kim explains, most leave after mere months of working there. That led to the drive by Korean business owners to hire Latinos.  Kim also discusses the trend which is that Koreans will not hire blacks as much as they hire Latinos. The main reason that Kim gives is that there are negative ideas about them, and that Latinos are attractive workers because they are often undocumented and the wages they earn are higher when they are exchanged for the currency at home.

In Bowles’s article, Bowles describes a multitude of problems surrounding immigrant entrepreneurship. For example, many immigrants experience “unfamiliarity with how business is done…lack of awareness about local regulations, limited financial literacy…little to no credit history” along with language problems. As seen in Kim’s article, some of the Latino immigrants reported that they couldn’t talk to fellow employees that weren’t Hispanic because they couldn’t speak Korean. The chef, the owner, everyone spoke Korean.

In Min’s article, Min describes the nature of Korean immigration to the United States: the numbers have gradually decreased over time as South Korea has become politically and economically stable. Koreans are very different from other Asian immigrants, however, as they are educated and many of the immigrants have been middle-class Christians. Unlike the Koreans, many of the immigrants that have emigrated have been from rural, working-class or peasant class backgrounds, and unlike their fellow Asian, Chines and Japanese immigrants are largely not Christians. Interestingly, Min uses the term ‘ghetto’ to describe the new Seoul located in Flushing. Why does she describe it as a ghetto, though, as it should and would be more accurately called an enclave? Min also stated that she searched for the new Korean community in New York by searching up the last name “Kim” which she claims is the most popular last name-why did she not choose to search up other   popular last names? I found it a questionable method. Based on a series of tables in the article, Koreans have opened a large number of grocery stores as well as nail salons (which is evident), yet business was not something that many of these Koreans chose to pursue when they came to the U.S.

Immigrant Businesses

In Immigrant Entrepreneurism: an Engine for Economic Recovery, Jonathan Bowles makes the argument that immigrant entrepreneurs are the solution New York City’s economic downturn. As a result of the recent immigration influx, there are more immigrant-run businesses appearing throughout the city. Bowles suggests that the city consider immigrant entrepreneurs as a solution to revitalizing New York City’s economy. He explains how there is not enough support for these businesses and since immigrants naturally face language barriers and other difficulties when establishing themselves in a new country, it is difficult for their businesses to reach full potential. He encourages the city to implement new laws and policies that would help immigrants expand their businesses. Particularly in New York City it is harder to startup new businesses as a result of competition and higher living standards and real estate prices.

Bowles’ argument that immigrant businesses will help revitalize the economy is something that should be considered. In Min’s article, Korean Communities: New York and Los Angeles, he mentions that Korean immigrants only start their own businesses because they believe they cannot find jobs in the general labor market and that native-born Korean Americans don’t even want to consider starting up their own businesses. Yet, as Bowles mentions, new enterprises created in immigrant neighborhoods surpassed business created city-wide. Despite the unwillingness of these immigrants to be self-employed and the lack of support from the city, immigrant enterprises are doing surprisingly well. Imagine what would happen if these immigrants did receive the support they need for their businesses. However one thing that should be considered is whether or not the expansion of these businesses is really the best the option. As both Min and Kims’ articles mention, the immigrant self-employment usually occurs in enclaves or coethnic neighborhoods where their businesses caters to the needs of immigrants of shared ethnicity. Would their services and goods that immigrants need and like, be able to sell as well in areas where there may be no immigrants or people of similar ethnicities? Would prejudice or just plain lack of interest prevent immigrant businesses from profiting if they expanded? I agree that immigrant entrepreneurship may help New York City’s economy and that with support, they may thrive, but it may depend on the type of support they receive.