The Zolt-Gilburne Faculty Seminar

April 10, 2010

The Nature and Dynamics of Entrepreneurship and Its Interplay with Imagination

Filed under: Uncategorized — Joseph Ugoretz @ 12:10 pm

—Ramona Kay Zachary Entrepreneurs, their networks and entrepreneurial imagination come in a myriad of forms, types and sizes as well as exhibits many dimensions.  As a field of study, entrepreneurial research, education and practice have reached a nearly fifty-year pinnacle. Leading research suggests that a comprehensive perspective of entrepreneurial activities and players is emerging anew.  […]

A Social Basis for the Imagination?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Joseph Ugoretz @ 12:06 pm

—Phil Kasinitz We usually conceive of imagination and creativity in individualistic  terms.  Of course, we all know that the people who make imaginative breakthroughs are, like everyone else, parts social networks and rooted in traditions and histories—hence  the cliché about seeing further than others by “standing on the shoulders of giants.” Yet The question of […]

March 9, 2010

Imagining Musical Scales

Filed under: Uncategorized — Joseph Ugoretz @ 10:14 am

—Norman Carey Musical cultures adopt particular arrangements of tones as the alphabet in which musical works are written. Upon a second look, musical scales are not as obvious as they may seem. For example, naive listeners will hear the familiar do-re-mi “major” scale as comprising equally-spaced steps, like the rungs of a ladder (scala = […]

Imaginative Play

Filed under: Uncategorized — Joseph Ugoretz @ 10:10 am

—Roger A. Hart It is hard to imagine a discussion of the imagination without addressing early childhood, the period of life when it is revealed so explicitly through play. The importance of imaginative play has long been broadly claimed by a wide range of psychologists to have great importance for children’s intellectual, social and emotional […]

January 30, 2010

Imagination in 19th Century American Landscape Art:
Poetry, Science, Aestheticism

Filed under: Uncategorized — Joseph Ugoretz @ 11:53 am

—Kathy Manthorne How could we possibly get a handle on “imagination” as it pertains to the visual arts? It is so vast a topic that it boggles the imagination! For the purposes of this 10-minute presentation I focus on a particular moment in the history of American art, from 1840 through the 1870s, which marks […]

Evolution of Song Culture:
How Social Interactions Shape Song Development

Filed under: Uncategorized — Joseph Ugoretz @ 11:50 am

—Ofer Tchernichovski Would culture resembling existing ones evolve in an island colony of naïve founders? This cannot be studied experimentally in humans; we performed the analogous experiment using socially learned birdsong. Zebra finch isolates unexposed to singing tutors during development, produce song with characteristics that differ from the wild-type song found in laboratory or natural […]

November 2, 2009

The Sociological Imagination

Filed under: Uncategorized — Joseph Ugoretz @ 12:12 pm

–David Savran My seminar will be in three parts.  The first will focus on what the leftist sociologist C. Wright Mills’s describes as the sociological imagination.  I am circulating the first few pages of his 1959 book of the same name.  The remainder of the seminar will provide examples of the use of that methodology. […]

Varieties of Imaginative Experience

Filed under: Uncategorized — Joseph Ugoretz @ 11:53 am

–Joan Richardson “God and the imagination are one.” Wallace Stevens, Adagia “Imagination” as we have come to think of it, has/needs to be reconceived, as for Ralph Waldo Emerson who had at the heart of his project, to “reconceive reason.” This desire, on his part, had all to do with what we have come to […]

September 21, 2009

Knowledge and Games

Filed under: Uncategorized — Joseph Ugoretz @ 9:21 am

—Sergei Artemov I would like to share some personal experiences of contributing to well-established research areas outside pure Math. The first story concerns Epistemology, or more precisely, the characterization of Knowledge. Since Plato, Justification, along with other features, has been considered a principal element of Knowledge. However, the mathematical theory of Knowledge used the existing […]

Sylvia Tomasch, English

Filed under: Uncategorized — Joseph Ugoretz @ 9:16 am

Associate University Dean of Academic Affairs, Macaulay Honors College 212-729-2918 At the Honors College since 2005, Associate University Dean of Academic Affairs Sylvia Tomasch is also Professor of English at Hunter College, where she chaired the department in 2002-05. A past president of the Medieval Club of New York, Dr. Tomasch served five years […]

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