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Astoria, Queens has long been known to be home to one of the largest Greek communities in the Western hemisphere. With over 16,500 people who identify with Greek ancestry, Greeks make up almost exactly 10% of the Astoria population ranking them as #17 in the country by percentage (Percentage of Greeks in Astoria, NY by Zip Code)61. However, when you take a closer look at the makeup of Astoria, the numbers change quite drastically.


Men playing backgammon. Courtesy of Sarah Franco Taken March 27th, 2015

According to this map, Astoria is made up of four different zip codes. The southern side is least populated with Greeks, with them making up only 5% of the population. However, the more northern sections of the city tell quite a bit of a different story. Greeks in the two zip codes in the middle make up roughly 8% of the population in both sections. However, in the most northern section of the city, Greeks make up a whopping 17.39% of the population as compared to the almost negligible 0.4% of the population they make up in the entire United States of America. In Astoria they are the second largest ethnic group next to those with Italian ancestry who have them beat by only 1.6% (Astoria, New York Zip Code Map & Detailed Profile)62.

The influence they have had on Astoria in food, music, culture, businesses, and schools is undeniable and novel. When I visited, I heard the Mediterranean tongue at every corner. In every restaurant, there was loud Greek music, Greek newspapers all over the counters, and Greeks interacting over some backgammon. However, surprisingly enough, the Mediterranean influence wasn’t the only influence I experienced while in Astoria.

To my surprise I found that Astoria is actually a melting pot of several different ethnicities and cultures. In terms of ancestry by country, the Italians have the highest plurality making up roughly 11.6% of the population, then come the Greeks in second with 10%, and then the Irish, Germans, and Arabs follow consecutively. When looked at by race, Whites make up about 60% of the population, followed by Asian and then “other”(which typically tend to be Hispanic Mestizos – a mix of white, native, and/or black). At last, when looking at Hispanic statistics (since a Hispanic can be any race) Hispanics make up 26.6% of the population with non-Hispanics making up the other 73.4% (Astoria, New York Zip Code Map & Detailed Profile)62.

Now, when it comes to age, there is also quite an interesting make up. The generation that makes up the highest population comes from the ages 25-34, followed by 35-44(Astoria, New York Zip Code Map & Detailed Profile)62. From having experienced so many elderly people in the area, I had assumed most of the residents would be relatively old. However, I remember from one discussion in Professor Ioannides’ seminar, we had discovered that Astoria was attracting a young population due to its affordable housing and its proximity to Manhattan. As you can see in the chart below, population wise ages 20-34 are far above the national and even New York average.

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Chart taken from:

However, I remember from one discussion in Professor Ioannides’ seminar, we had discovered that Astoria was attracting a young population due to its affordable housing and its proximity to Manhattan. As you can see in the chart below, population wise ages 20-34 are far above the national and even New York average(Astoria, New York Zip Code Map & Detailed Profile)62.

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Chart taken from:

Astoria is a diverse region with lots of young faces and culture. It is a MUST-SEE when visiting New York City. With its ample selections of Greek dining and Greek clubs, it is a place that all travelers should get at least a glimpse of. I hope you all can now expect what to find when visiting Astoria, so don’t be square, go get there!

– Arlene Lopez