The Greatest Experiment
The United States is the one country on Earth that all of humanity looks towards. It’s a shining beacon of hope for the security, opportunity, and ability for greatness that everyone yearns for. It was the Founding Fathers’ vision, and great unprecedented experiment, to create a country that could provide such things for everyone, but the treatment of our black neighbors has turned that into a failure. From slavery to Jim Crow, from segregation and the creation of black only neighborhoods to systematic denial of any kind of real opportunity, the U.S. in its history has actively oppressed an entire segment of its population. Yes, there have been extraordinary figures throughout that history that have led us closer to making that vision a reality, but we are still reaches away. So long as black teenagers can be executed by law enforcement with impunity, so long as ordinary Americans remain complacent with the gross ineptitude of the system, and so long as outrageous stories like this can be shared, our founders’ experiment will continue to be a failure.
With the U.S. set to become a minority majority by the year 2050, this issue has become more pressing than ever. The racial injustice that black Americans have been served is directly tied to whatever justice other minorities can hope to attain. If the black members of our own society continue to be perceived with suspicion and are treated any differently, the other racial groups that are projected to grow will only be viewed on a scale from black to white, from worst to best. Asians will be seen as hardworking and intelligent, but not truly white or part of the majority. Arguably, they may be seen as “honorary whites.” Hispanics will be seen as illegal, border-crossing individuals who are destroying the culture of America, even changing its unofficial language from English to Spanish. Black Caribbean and African immigrants, a group that is insignificant now but is set to expand in the coming decades, will try to distinguish themselves from the black American community and attempt to make of themselves something different and unassociated with the other black community. And at the bottom of the totem pole will be black Americans themselves. Generations of social oppression and outright economic denial of opportunity has left a legacy that is one of this country’s worst records. Its shadow will leave a mark on every other group. And while this regurgitates every stereotype available about these very groups, the continued acceptance of the status quo regarding black Americans will only provide justification for the continued acceptance of such stereotypes.
There are many arguments counter to this, the most heard one being that such oppression of black individuals occurred decades ago and that the election of a black President is indicative of a country that has moved beyond race. This is correct regarding the social oppression of such people, as the lack of colored only bathrooms proves. But economically, the ramifications of earlier oppression are still being felt by the black community today. Housing, for example, is still greatly segregated, with entire neighborhoods often being statistically black American and are usually of inferior quality. From the GI Bill after World War II, which actively segregated black veterans from their lighter colored comrades, to the lack of loans and wealth building chances, black Americans have been given the short end of the stick. To this day, black Americans are statistically less likely to be able secure a good home, and all the perks that come with it, or open a business because of the lack of inheritable wealth their ancestors suffered from. Most white Americans, however, benefit from the exact inverse circumstances. Most black American children must endure poorer quality schools that can’t provide the kinds of opportunities that other schools can; most black American teenagers suffer from discrimination in employment because of perceptions of their work ethic and state of being; and most black American adults carry a lifetime experience of being seen as different, as deviant, as the “demon” that Mike Brown apparently became before he was murdered. I have no personal experience with this kind of discrimination because of my own race. Yet when most other black Americans report this kind of treatment, it is obvious that something is wrong.
The United States has been in a similar position before. During the second great wave of immigration, Jews, Irish, Italians, and Eastern Europeans arrived to this country and were seen in many of the same ways that modern groups of immigrants are currently being seen. That wave had many of the same issues, yet they were overcome and now such groups are seen as ordinary Americans, uniformly accepted in society. America will have to go through a similar transition if it is to come out of this era intact, strong, and ready for the challenges of globalization, but with groups of immigrants who look and vary far more differently. The way the black American community and its social and economic integrity are handled will be determinant of this future. Either we can have a distorted system that treats its citizens with bias, or we can make our founders’ little national experiment a success.
2 comments so far
8:34 am - 7-2-2015
The main thing to understand is that we’re all equal. Skin color or religion beliefs don’t define your personality, only your doings matter.