
Dec 07

We live in an era of change. Of that, I remain convinced. The geopolitical realities of a bipolar or colonial world have been shattered, but we still live with the consequences. Those consequences shape the world we live in now and will pave the way to a new political era. Change inherently means instability. I […]

Nov 29

The United States is the one country on Earth that all of humanity looks towards. It’s a shining beacon of hope for the security, opportunity, and ability for greatness that everyone yearns for. It was the Founding Fathers’ vision, and great unprecedented experiment, to create a country that could provide such things for everyone, but […]

Oct 17

One of the major things that I think about is the continued progression of economic development among underdeveloped countries. This by definition involves social and technological development, so that more and more people have access to modern day conveniences, irrespective of their physical location. Pretty soon, everyone will have access to electricity (hopefully clean energy) […]

Aug 03

Israel has started a new offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. First, 3 Israeli teenagers were kidnapped in Hebron. Israel accused Hamas of the incident, yet offered no evidence to back up its assertion. Israel had also been accusing Hamas of rearming itself and firing rockets into southern Israeli territory for some time now. […]

Jun 04

I have this vision of the geopolitical future. While it might be a stretch to see the current trends and extrapolate the vision I have, I think the underlying structure is present in the current “world order” that exists that can allow for that future to come to pass. Namely, I think that regions and […]

Jun 04

The human rights situation of North Korea is the most severe and under reported human rights atrocity currently going on the world. Its 24 million citizens have little to no Internet access, state propagated TV and radio channels, and omnipresent posters of Kim Il Sung, founder of the Kim regime of North Korea and the […]

May 28

It’s obvious that Vladimir Putin is an opportunistic and intelligent leader. Whatever his end game may be with the dramatic path he has led Russia down, I am confident that it will pose a competent challenge to the United States and to the global financial and economic system. His actions also threaten European stability, at […]

Dec 24

African economic growth is an under reported success story. Perhaps rapid development of Asian countries and the simultaneous downturn in Europe and the United States overshadows growth rates in Africa, which are projected to be the fastest growing over the next decade. However, growth has spread throughout Africa and while poverty and corruption are still […]

Aug 01

I think the main theme of this age of the world will be development. Countries all over the world are growing economically, technologically, socially. There are more stable democracies in the world than there ever have been, and they exist in all their messy and democratic political glory. The major blips for this are the […]

Aug 24

Is it possible to reach the stars? Mankind’s progress has been exponential throughout history. It took thousands of years to create the wheel, hundreds of years to make the car, then only decades to go to the moon. By the 23rd, 24th, maybe 25th century, I think we will have access to other planets of […]
