Across the Atlantic and back in time…

What to do, what to do…

As I was stalking some of my fellow MHC QCers blogs, I realized that I, in my beginning-of-summer-laziness phase (the main reason I do not desire to ever take a summer class, at least in June), have not figured out what to do in my spare time.  I also realized, that it’s probably going to be insanely hard to figure out what to do due to travel.  I’m spending 2 days in Palermo.  Two. One, and, two.  GONE!  I’m spending 1 day in Ostia.  One.  Just one.  GONE!  The travel is what makes this study abroad so amazing, but its also somewhat of a curse.  I will hopefully hit up Borders today, or after my wisdom teeth come out (because I would be the one who needs their wisdom teeth out less then a month before they go away on a long trip…*).  For activities, we shall see what there is to do…

*Two interesting facts I must share about my teeth, because they make me giggle.

1) I have one tooth that is completely sideways under my gum (both are impacted)

2) Yes, I said both, and yes I meant to.  I only have two wisdom teeth.  Teehee.

Peace, love, and pizza ( why pizza?  I feel like pizza would be good for lunch, we’ll see in about 3 hours)


1 Comment so far

  1.   LisaMarie Maher on June 6th, 2010          

    I could hook you up with some pizza. I cannot help you with dental dilemmas however.