Across the Atlantic and back in time…

Vespian… Trajan… Hadrian… ian… Ian?

I never noticed how many emperors names ended in “ian”… Domitian… Lot of ians, but also “ius”s… Augustus, Tiberius, Titus, Antoninus, Marcus Aurulius, Commodus, Severus… Very funny to me, but maybe that’s because its late at night and I just never recognized it before (for some reason hahaha).

Anyways, I stuck with the “ians” because they are what I have decided to rant to you about on this fine evening, the midnight of July 1st (or is it July 2nd.  I still don’t know..).

Vespian:  HIS/THE COLOSSEUM!  Very… Colossal.  This is where it get very hard to describe, like in my last post.  I guess I shall reveal the disappointments.  One might take from pictures that the Colosseum isn’t exactly in one piece.  Its been quarried by various people, so this with the test of time has taken a toll on the place.  This doesn’t, however, stop it from being beautiful inisde, and it was amazing to look at.  From what would be the stands, you could see the underground (for the fighting grounds had been ripped up); it looked like a maze.  The view across from one side to the other was amazing– This place was just large!  Lots of pictures of course (maybe I’ll get some up tomorrow!  I’m praying for my wireless) including a remake that I think my family would enjoy (yes, I attempted to retake grandpa’s picture… I look snazzy in my black tank top and purple skirt, throwing my fist in the air! hahahaha…).

I was originally going to talk about Trajan’s pillar and Hadrian’s Tomb/Il Castello di San Angelo (another thing taken over by Catholics that was Roman)… But, as per usual it is late and I need a shower stat!  Tomorrow, before lecture, I shall try again. 

Until then,

Peace, Love, and Pope Bobbleheads (about this… Someone’s getting an interesting gift when I get back home…)
