You know the movie was good…

…if you saw it for free, but would PAY to see it a second time.

I’m not someone who usually watches movies, and other than The Passion of the Christ, there is no movie that I have liked to the point of re-watching over and over again (except maybe Disney movies-but I would never pay to see them when I could watch them online or on t.v.), and even then, The Passion of the Christ isn’t watched for entertainment value. HOWEVER, Les Misérables is a movie that I would PAY to see over, and over, and over again, though haven seen it once already for free. I love historical fiction, especially ones with elements of romance, and I love musicals, Les Misérables has to be the best combination I’ve seen. (It almost reminds me of The Scarlet Pimpernel, though the storylines are total opposites).

Watching Les Misérables was a kind of repeat Warhorse experience for me, where for days on end I would unconsciously hum “only remembered for what we have done.” Till this day (and even now as I’m writing this), I cry over characters, sing the theme song, and randomly stop my homework to stare into space and think back. :’)

9 thoughts on “You know the movie was good…

  1. Definitely agree with you that the movie was a great display of fervent emotions. If you are interested in movies like that, I would recommend the 2004 adaptation of The Phantom of the Opera. I remember watching this film in high school and the actors were stupendous. The film was full of many emotional scenes and the suspense always kept you wanting to watch more. The whole love triangle idea also made the movie more appealing. So you should watch it if you thought Les Misérables was good.

    • I concur with both of your opinions and believe that such broadway musicals should be really be seen accessible everywhere. Also, I would suggest the same recommendation as Mohammed did. Such emotional and powerful scenes/actions would draw you into the film more. Therefore, the appeal of these types of movies especially Les Misérables was amazing!

  2. I agree. You should definitely watch The Phantom of the Opera movie. If you get the chance, though, it would be even better if you saw the Broadway play of it. I saw it when I was in 7th grade and loved it. It is truly an amazing production, and probably one of the best Broadway plays ever made.

    • wait I remember a guy in our class claims that his only passion in life is basketball. wait what? never mind I’m just joking! no offense no offense!
      Anyways. You guys got me excited to watch The Phantom of the Opera. Hopefully Professor Judell can cover me on the budget slightly.
      Thank you Chidi for posting this, wanna watch it together?

      • Yes, yes! We should! (and hopefully Pro. Judell knows people who would encourage our pursuit of art. | :-3-D

      • None taken haha. Basketball is fun but wouldn’t say it’s my passion though. I’d just rather play basketball than stay home on Saturday and watch a movie. As for Phantom of the opera, if you can’t watch it on Broadway, don’t hesitate to watch the film. In my opinion it was a great piece.

  3. Like musicals? “Hello Dolly!” is one of my favorites. Plus Barbara Streisand is a bamf.

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