Tattoos can be harmful

According to an article I found while researching the topic. We were talking about whether it’s a good idea or not, but we didn’t really consider the health risks. Here is a link to an article that talks about these health risks. After reading it, my opposition to tattoos increased. I wouldn’t risk my health for something like that. So what’s your take on it?

4 thoughts on “Tattoos can be harmful

  1. Indeed, my good friend, tattoos can be quite harmful! However, you have to understand that for some cultures/ethnicities, tattoos actually symbolize an important type of art/adulthood for them. If you remember, when we watched the clip from the “Body Art” documentary, it included various forms of body art (heavy tattoos, massive piercings, blood from the deeply-cut skin, etc.) that showed its importance to these people. The reason was that they desired to carry out the tradition for many centuries and wouldn’t want to break it for any “small” reason. Hence, though I agree with you on the health issues associated with tattoos, there are always some essential aspects to it that cannot be neglected.

  2. Even though they do have certain risks… I think tattoos are fine as long as you don’t go overboard with them. For instance, a small tattoo here and there isn’t that big of an issue when compared to full sleeves. Some people get tattoos all over their body… on their face, all over their arms, legs, and chest area. I think that is when it starts to become a problem in terms of their health.

  3. I completely agree with you, Mohamed. I understand the value of beauty, and I also understand that everyone sees beauty in different ways. However, when it comes to tattoos I can’t understand what is attractive about them. This is of course a matter of opinion and not the question at hand. I don’t think any procedure done for purely cosmetic purposes is worth undergoing if it carries significant health risks. There are more important things in life than appearance and, in my opinion, health and longevity are up there on that list.

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