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-by Garth Britzman

Lincoln, Nebraska isn’t known for being a hub of creativity or for recycling waste materials, which is why Garth Britzman opted to design a striking parking canopy entirely out of 1,500 used soda bottles. Named Pop Culture, this brilliant installation is comprised of hundreds of plastic bottles hanging from thread of different lengths, and filled at the bottom with different colored water. The installation calls attention to our consumer ‘pop’ culture and the urgent need to recycle our mass-produced goods.

I found out about this installation a while ago. The format is so simple, yet the concept is so beautiful. I think that this artist is very inspiring. What do you guys think?


  1. Thats really cool. Its amazing how the most common things can be actually used to create something beautiful. On a sidenote, this reminded me of something that I found in the NAC on the 6th floor. They made a hanging structure out of paper cups.

    • What a small world! The person who did that installation is actually from my studio. I witnessed the whole installation making process…

  2. Not only is this a practical way to recycle, but it is so aesthetically pleasing as well. Great idea!

      • So true! This recycling way is shown through so much of US! Such a practical way of recycling is creative and unique. Also, it makes the place look colorful and aesthetic. Therefore, next time you want to decorate your house, you should really think about using recyclable materials…!

  3. Art really is amazing in the many ways it can be done. Just this week, I saw a lot of different ideas for art pieces on the blog that were all interesting. A great example of getting two birds with one stone. I also liked the quote in the fourth picture that says ” All Art is but imitation of nature”, something I realized with the blog posts about art this week.

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