When a Faun Is Not Just a Deer


Envelope yourself once again in Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui/Sadler Wells London’s take on this once “infamous” dance piece.

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Lecturer, author, reviewer, Rate My Professors: Highest Rated University Professors of 2009-2010 (https://www.ratemyprofessors.com/blog/toplist?posturl=/top-professors-of-2009-2010/), Bread Machine Owner

2 thoughts on “When a Faun Is Not Just a Deer

  1. I much preferred Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui’s “Afternoon of a Faun” over Vaslav Nijinsky’s 1912 dance performance. The original, although scandalous for it’s time and completely innovative, was too rigid and unnatural for my taste. The modern take of the ballet used full body motion and included an array of movement that Nijinsky’s production lacked. Instead of having stiff and staccato gestures, the newer version found a way to display the couple’s emotions by having the two potential lovers twist, bend, and entangle themselves in each other. These movements helped me better understand what was going on, and allowed me to really feel the sensuality of the dance. Great opening act!

  2. Please note that modern dance is constantly transforming itself, remodeling its past as it embraces the future. The version we saw on Friday might even have scandalized Nijinsky.

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