An Ode to “O2JOY”


Did Bodytraffic’s “O2Joy” place you “On the Sunny Side of the Street”? What did you think of the music choices (e.g. Ella Fitzgerald singing “All of Me”)?

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About profjudell

Lecturer, author, reviewer, Rate My Professors: Highest Rated University Professors of 2009-2010 (, Bread Machine Owner

One thought on “An Ode to “O2JOY”

  1. Bodytraffic’s performance was probably my favorite act in the show last Friday. Not only was their music upbeat and lively, but it put me in such a cheerful mood that I wanted to get up and start dancing alongside them! I absolutely adored how they incorporated a little comedy act during their dance numbers. Every now and then, you could hear the crowd burst into laughter, which made the whole atmosphere extremely playful and happy. The group also really tried to include the public in what they were doing and made an effort to consciously put on a show for the audience. This piece was unlike “Afternoon of a Faun,” where the the performers were mostly having an intimate conversation between themselves, and we were simply outside observers that happened to catch their intermingling. I really liked “O2Joy’s” music selections – it contrasted with all the other repertoires’ in a pleasant way.

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