The Truth

Spoken Word by Suli Breaks

So I came across this piece on (amazing site, everyone should definitely check it out), and decided to share it because it fascinated me. Suli talks about the truth in life and how our generation is taught. We’re taught to pursue our dreams as our careers and then sometimes our counselors try and steer us into a direction which makes the future seem hopeful in terms of money and reputation but dreary in terms of our desires and dreams. I feel like this can relate a lot to our Macaulay arts class because as we go out to all the events such as the opera or the dance show we get to witness people who are doing what they like. They are working their hardest and are happy about it. But how many of us will feel the same way in the future when we’re going to be working?

So this is a shout out to all those who want to pursue their dreams. Go for it. Prove your counselors wrong and show them that big smile of yours when you enjoy doing that job they thought was unreasonable. Break the tradition and open your wings and take flight.

One thought on “The Truth

  1. Ruth Hubbard of Harvard, the first woman to hold a tenured professorship position in biology there, has noted, “Every theory is a self-fulfilling prophecy that orders experience into the framework it provides.”

    Sometimes we try to live up to society’s theories about what we should become, or more often our parents’. It is when we break away from these controlling notions and discover what we ourselves really want to accomplish that we can come close to grasping an inner happiness .

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