The power of giving

If I had have heard about what this guy was planning to do before it all played out, I might have thought he was unrealistic. But after watching the video, I realized that there’s a much bigger thing on focus here, that we need to remember that every human being is unique and full of potential. We don’t know other people’s stories and so we shouldn’t be the ones judging or discriminating against them. I’m not saying that everyone does so but sometimes we do it on instinct and we have to realize that we don’t know the circumstances they’ve gone through.

What is Education?

Kids like Logan Laplante fascinate me. He gave this talk when he was 13. What was I doing at that age? I can tell you it wasn’t making intelligent points about America’s public schools… At 2:59, he tells you what we all need to be happy. Then, at 6:45, he tells you all about what his education actually looks like. I think it looks pretty great … and you just might agree. And now this makes me regret a little for not doing the same with my education and following my learning interests completely.

Walter Mitty

I’ve seen this video being advertised in multiple social networking sites but never really watched it till now. And what I saw was truly fascinating. Normally you’d would expect a large name corporation to possibly reject such a project idea and to donate the money at a press conference to gain popularity. I was truly touched by one man’s journey to follow his desire to help those in need climb back onto their feet.

Advice for all of us freshmen

The semester is finally coming to an end. We’re facing our daunting finals head on. We’re all still trying to find a niche in this college. No one really knows what they want to do till they’ve experience a variety of things. I found a useful list of advice, from a senior at Fordham University, that I thought would be beneficial to read and think about.

Here it is:

Some pieces of advice may not apply to everyone but it is pretty generalized and encompasses the college experience in most aspects.

P.s. It contains some profanity but I’m sure everyone can handle it.


The Art of Music

I’m not here to argue whether or not music has meaning. But rather to show you an amazing video.

I find it particularly fascinating what this community has achieved. They have managed to defeat the odds and provide the children of the community with something to look forward to and something that brings everyone a bit of happiness. It has caused people to be left in awe when they realize that the instruments are made from recycled trash. I guess in this case one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

The Truth

Spoken Word by Suli Breaks

So I came across this piece on (amazing site, everyone should definitely check it out), and decided to share it because it fascinated me. Suli talks about the truth in life and how our generation is taught. We’re taught to pursue our dreams as our careers and then sometimes our counselors try and steer us into a direction which makes the future seem hopeful in terms of money and reputation but dreary in terms of our desires and dreams. I feel like this can relate a lot to our Macaulay arts class because as we go out to all the events such as the opera or the dance show we get to witness people who are doing what they like. They are working their hardest and are happy about it. But how many of us will feel the same way in the future when we’re going to be working?

So this is a shout out to all those who want to pursue their dreams. Go for it. Prove your counselors wrong and show them that big smile of yours when you enjoy doing that job they thought was unreasonable. Break the tradition and open your wings and take flight.