I have passed the Oxford University Press building at least five times.

I have been typically terrible about updating, so I though I would give you a quick State of Me!

I’m in the middle of exams right now, writing up extensive papers on subjects as varied as Victorian-era Philanthropy and Social Control to Media Tourism and Cardiff, Wales.

And in the middle of that, I decided to trot off to Oxford (of OXFORD UNIVERSITY) for the weekend. I’m going to bring my laptop to a cafe and see if the ambiance of brilliant people helps me write better.

I also hung out with a bunch of Jewish students yesterday. We went to see some of the colleges after lunch, and they swing from gorgeous to 60’s era architecture. Didn’t see the most famous ones, but I did see the super-famous Ashmolean museum! Which we were kicked out of because of a wedding. Cool place to have a wedding.

Last night we attempted to have a Eurovision party! And…well, we caught the last vote tally, and the winning performance, so congrats Azerbaijan. But we missed everything else, and BBC hadn’t uploaded the whole show by the time I decided to call it a night at around 00:45. I’ll attempt to catch up later. The UK did predictably eh-eh, and Ireland didn’t do much better, which made it tough to root for any of the top countries at the end. One guy was rooting for Sweden because they have the most lax internet-piracy-type laws.

And the French presenter was the funniest thing ever. Everyone else presented their votes in English, but NOT FRAAAANCE! Oh, French.

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