I don’t think I’ll have time to get them a present, now.

Instead of playing catch-up (Passover was great, I met Benedict Cumberbatch, weather was lovely) I’m going to tell you guys about the great stuff coming up!

Namely, the Royal Wedding.

In case you’ve been living under an extremely large rock without internet access for the past few months, you know that Prince William is marrying Kate Middleton on Friday. And odds are, if you’re American, you find this somewhat interesting. If you’re British, my informal, non-scientific study (conducted by informal conversation with friends, mostly) suggests that you are only about 15% likely to find this even remotely exciting. There’s a 10% chance you will complain that your tax money is going to pay for it. Despite the fact that the royal family is actually quite wealthy (they own lots and lots of land) and the wedding will definitely bring in lots of tourist money.

Mine, for example. I plan to buy a bunch of cheesy souvenirs for gifts. Of course, London has gotten plenty of my money, so I suppose I don’t count.

My dorm is hosting a party in the lounge with tea and biscuits, and youtube has a Royal Wedding stream (which you can check out around the world!) but I’m planning to be be in the streets, waving a Union Jack and shouting. The Great Internal Debate is Where to Stand?

Remember, there are already people lining up. I’m definitely not going to do that. At best, I will wake up early on Friday.

The route is going from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey and back. Now, the event is inside, but Westminster will be the best place to be to see the newly-married couple. And maybe the dress. On the other hand, the couple is going to do the stand-on-the-balcony-and-wave-and-probably-kiss at Buckingham Palace after the wedding. On the other other hand, I probably won’t see anything at either of those locations, and my odds are far better standing somewhere along the route, on the steps on a few suggested buildings, and try to get a glimpse of the dress and the carriage and everything.

Oh! And it might rain. If it does, and you’re watching on TV or youtube, be sure to look for a hilarious giant green poncho. I’ll be in, possibly waving a flag. Not sure exactly where, though.


This post was prompted by an email from TFL (Transport for London, the MTA of London) telling me of all the trains being redirected/cancelled/etc. this weekend. Most of the lines aren’t particularly important to me, but the public transportation here is so organized. But as I’m in Central London, I’m not terribly worried. I can always walk.

Last thing to add! This is a trailer for a film based on the meeting and romance of William and Kate. It is also possibly the single most hilarious thing on youtube right now, so I suggest watching it while not drinking hot beverages.

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4 Responses to I don’t think I’ll have time to get them a present, now.

  1. Moriah says:

    You mean you’ll be waving the Union *Flag*.


    Good luck finding a spot, though! And take pictures/video.

  2. mom says:

    I will be looking for you in the crowd scenes!! This is just soooo exciting! Have fun!!!Love ya

  3. Dad says:

    you can buy them something REALLY unique like a mezuzah! or a customized hamsa!

  4. Dear Chana,

    I got your blogsite from your dad, the famous RRW of RCA fame.

    I’m putting the finishing touches on my book Morality for Muggles; Ethics in the Bible and in the World of Harry Potter. It should be published by Ktav in tme for the upcoming movie. I’ve included a chapter of Kids Writing Harry Potter from the Harry Potter nights over the years, and our club, as well. I still have your chapters of Book V and was thinking of taking a small selection for inclusion. First, though, I’d need your consent. Second, I’d need a way to tell which chapters were yours, since a number of them do not have names.

    Very best regards,
    Moshe Rosenberg

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