Liveblogging Supplementals – Video!

I recorded some videos in between blogging about the experience, so I thought I would share!

The blue blob in my backpack is my snuggie. And say what you will, it helped a lot.

The nice thing about these sort of things is the bonding element. I bonded with the man next to me and two women beyond him, and the group of three grad students on my other side. The man does lighting at the BBC, the women biked in together for fun, and the students are all doing social reactions to disasters (or something like that) in the Masters program at Kings. Going in together was so exciting I could feel the adrenaline pumping.

And the play was nothing short of amazing. The acting, the set, the lighting! The actors playing Frankenstein and the monster switch off who plays which role. And ignoring what I said before, I really want to go back another night and see how the play changes from the different actors. How ridiculous am I? SO RIDICULOUS.

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One Response to Liveblogging Supplementals – Video!

  1. Bracha says:

    Sounds like you had a blast!!! We did something similar over here for “DWLineCon” aka the huge line for the premier. :3 Lucky for us tho, NYC was a bit warmer! I hope you warmed up once you got inside!

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