
Sorry I haven’t been posting as often as I would like. I got back from Cardiff and had my first midterm the next day, and then Purim, and now I’m really in the swing of midterms.

Plus, I’m unhappy with the video formatting on the last post. It doesn’t play for everybody, and it stutters badly on my own laptop. I’m looking into alternative options, but I’m not so fond of youtube. Vimeo looks good right now. If any of you know anything, drop me a line?

Lastly, I don’t know how many of you have looked at my first post, or talked to me about all of my travel plans for this semester, but my first choice was Japan, not England. Odds are I wouldn’t have even been there yet, as I don’t beleive the Japanese spring semester has not yet begun. But with the nuclear fallout issues and the high language barrier, I’m not sure what would have happened in the end. I’m not quite sure what to say, and I just wanted to mention that I’m aware about the issue. But I am thinking about it.


Video Experiment!

I’m experimenting with my video player!

Dasi Makes Challah and Our Kitchen

Bread developments: Dasi had discovered a fantastic bread recipe, honey whole-wheat or something like that, and I might have insisted she make it since, because just this once I would like to stick with something that works instead of experimenting.

We recorded the video a while ago, but I’ve just now decided that it would be a good idea to start uploading videos to this site. If this one words out, you’ll all get to see why!

Note: recorded on my Macaulay-gift flip video. I think a digital audio recorder would have been cooler, but I’m having fun playing around with this.


Two Shabbatot Ago, in Short. And Last Shabbos, Even Shorter.

I mentioned that I had been trying to get together with my friend Rachel in England, but we kept having conflicts. So I called her up and asked about shabbos!

She lives in Stanmore, at the end of the Jubilee line, which doesn’t run by King’s Cross. So I had to take the Metropolitan line and switch, and I was running late and the line got delayed and I juuuuuust made it for shabbos.

I had a wonderful time, met a lot of her family and her husband and her absolutely adorable baby boy. We went to shul, despite the ran, and we walked around the neighborhood later, and she gave me a tour. Saturday night we went out to see No Strings Attached and I tried some more British chocolate.

And last shabbos Dasi and I stayed in the dorm. We went to Chabad for Friday night, and met mostly French and Israelis staying in London. Shabbos day we ate at Bracha’s flat, which is literally just down the road. She’s a graduated Macaulay student, studying in London for grad school. After lunch we walked to the British Museum for a bit before coming back.

This week, I’m going to Cardiff! We’ll see how it goes!

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Shabbos at College! What a Concept!

Or rather, as this is England, I went to shabbos at Uni. University of Cambridge in fact.

Yes, that Cambridge.

Becky (the friend I stayed with two posts ago) sympathized with my desire to GO EVERYWHERE AND SEE EVERYTHING and mentioned that she had a really good friend named Donna at Cambridge, St. John’s College. (They pronounce “Saint” slightly differently here. More like “Sent” vs “Say-nt.”)

Anyway, her friend, Donna, was willing to host Dasi and me along with Becky, so come Friday afternoon we were off!

It was my first trip on a train in the UK this trip, and I had a great time. I love trains, and this one left right from King’s Cross, which was super-convenient.

So, shabbos in Cambridge!

Friday night we walked from St. Johns (the college Donna was attending) to the J-Soc (Jewish Society. In case it wasn’t obvious yet, British people abbreviate everything), which was about a five-minute walk. JSoc was lovely, we did kabbalat shabbat and then rearranged the whole space for dinner. Not so much singing, but an American studying law.

The atmosphere was really nice. It’s a smaller group of students, but more diverse. The divre torah were also really nice over shabbos.

So, after dinner we went to this lounge-room-place where a lot of Jewish students hang out and play pool. Donna was great at it, I declined. (On the incredible off chance anyone who has ever seen me play pool is reading this, you know why.) A few boys on the dart team were throwing darts pretty impressively, but Dasi and I were drifting off, so we left a little before midnight.

We stayed up late to chat, and the next morning Dasi ran off early and managed to find the JSoc by herself. We met her for lunch, and then went on a walking tour of some of the nearby colleges.

Remember, Cambridge is a university broken up into a bunch of smaller colleges, most of them founded by kings and such. Basically every college is OLDER THAN MY COUNTRY. Which is a little, you know, daunting. The boy from Friday night came with us, Austin, and between him and Donna we learned a ton of random, and occasionally hilarious facts and myths. Turns out St. Johns is the “Slytherin” of Cambridge. Who knew, right?

I am happy I didn’t go there, but I have to admit that it would have been pretty awesome.

Also, everyone biked everywhere. Bikes, as far as the eye could see. Crossing steets wasn’t just a game of “look in the other direction!” It became a game of “BIKES ARE UNPREDICTABLE. RUN AWAY.”

We hung out in the afternoon after our walk – it was freezing, by the way – and then went back for seudah shlishit and havdalah, and then ran back to the dorm to grab our bags to try and catch the next train out.

Round trip, our tickets cost £20. Good deal! Becky and I got to chat a lot on the train back, and make informal plans to visit Highgate Cemetery at some point.

One nice thing – I gave Donna a fairly large bag of M&M’s and she tagged me on facebook a few days later to let me know that they came in handy for her paper-writing all nighter! 😀

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Last Week – playing catch-up

Nothing especially big happened last week, but Wednesday was fun, so let’s talk about that.

For my Theatre class, we went to get a tour of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. COOLEST. THING. EVER.

No really.

It’s as accurate a reconstruction of the original Globe Theatre as possible. The whole thing was spearheaded by an American actor who was shocked and dismayed that there wasn’t already such a theater in existence when he visited London. So he raised money, and his daughter raised money when he died, and the theater is built basically on the same spot. There are a few differences – like sprinklers, should the wooden thing catch on fire. But it has a thatch roof! THATCH! Like I said, coolest thing ever.

(And for all you Doctor Who fans, yes, I do beleive it was the set for the Shakespeare episode. Which meant that I spent a good bit of our tour picturing the filming, which was probably REALLY COOL. But the Queen never went to Theatre. Theatre came to the Queen.)

We’re not seeing a play there in class, but I’m going to try to get cheap standing tickets when I have a chance. They are staging Macbeth soon. If anyone from my high school is reading this, do you remember Macbeth? I played Lady Macbeth in Talia’s film, I recall. I would absolutely love to see it staged.

Anyway, afterward Dasi and I wandered back to the tube line. She was going to North London to visit a friend, so I called up Shoshy, totally forgetting that she doesn’t live with the Golders Green/Hendon crowd. She invited me over (it was reading week for UCL and a few other universities) and fed me dinner, because she is amazing. We chatted for a while, and then she discovered that I had never see the Keira Knightly version of Pride and Prejudice (sorry, Michal!) so she pulled it out of her enormously impressive DVD collection and we watched it right then.

Then I went to see Miriam and meet her fiance! Which was great, as Miriam was the first friend I saw the last two times I was in London, so the trip wasn’t really complete until I saw her. 😀

Then, for the second time, I caught the last train back to my stop. Shoshy drove me to the station with about eight minutes to spare, and I dithered on the platform for a bit. Better early than late, because I have no clue how the night buses work here yet. Silly train system, shutting down at night.



I think most blogs should have a detailed about page. If someone is clicking on the link, they are looking for some real information about the writer. A sort of online cover-flap, if you will. Organized like a FAQ, mostly because I can.

So who am I?

Well, I’m a lot of things. I’m Jewish. I’m a woman. I’m an American. All of these things form my worldview, but they’re kind of abstract. So I’m going to talk about the things about myself that interest me.

Wait, what is my name?

According to this blog, my name is Jacquie Wolpoe. While that is certainly my name, it’s not the only one. My full name is Chana Yocheved Jacqueline Anne Wolpoe. I’ll respond to all of them, as well a whole slew of nicknames. I like to sign things as “Cy” because it’s short and easy.

What do I like ?

Well, I’m a bit of a media person. And by that, I mean I like to do analysis, not just watch everything available to me. I do adore books of almost any type, and quite a few TV shows and lots and lots of movies. I’m also a big, big fan of comic books and graphic literature. As for digital media, I use the internet a lot, email and google and my RSS feed, mostly. I like reading blogs, I like staying in touch with people

I also enjoy unmediated communications. I think it’s the best possible form of interaction between people, and it goes somewhat under-appreciated in today’s hooked-up, globalizing world.

What do I like to do?

Besides reading? I like cooking. I hate cleaning up, but I like cooking. I like to tinker around with new technologies – like this blog. I’ve never used WordPress extensively before, so this is going to be a lot of experimenting for me. I also like organizing things, although I’m not always great at keeping them organized. I like writing, which brings me to…

What am I doing here?

I’ve found that somewhere between classes and life and work I haven’t been writing nearly as much as I would like. I used to write creatively, and I used to write more. So I’m here to stretch my writing skills, to post and ponder and get something up. I’m trying to aim for writing something every day – not all of it will make it to this journal, of course, but this will be an outlet of mine.

And the mandatory – Where am I now?

As of December 2010, I’m a junior at the Macaulay Honors College at Queens College of the City University of New York. I have an apartment in Queens with two roommates, where I live most of the time. I’m a Media Studies major, a Jewish Studies and Business and Liberal Arts minor. I plan to graduate in Spring of 2012, even though I only have about 31 mandatory credits left to graduate. I’m planning on studying abroad during Spring 2011 in London, at London Metropolitan University.

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