The Past, Present, and Future of Education in NYC

Author: jkafka (Page 1 of 3)

Final Prompt for This Class

For your final blog post for the seminar, please let me know your view about the events in 1968 that led to a protracted teachers’ strike in New York City. Why do you think things happened as they did? Can you see vestiges of that strike and the divisions it exacerbated between the labor movement and civil rights activists in the shape of New York City and its schools today?

Prompt for Post #7

The two readings assigned for this week are both about school choice in New York City. How do these articles relate to your school profile? How do they inform/speak to your understandings of earlier class readings about racial/ethnic/class segregation in New York City schools?

Prompt for Response 6

Because of a combination of scheduling changes and snafus, we are going to be discussing two articles that I did not intend to pair together in one class session this week. For this post, you may choose to either write about Hammack’s comparative history of exclusive public high schools in New York and San Francisco or my article on small school reform, or both. I’d like to know how the article (or articles) have changed your view of these types of schools (newly-created small schools or highly-selective public high schools), or if they did not change your views at all, why not?

Classes tomorrow are canceled!

As I am sure you’ve already heard, Baruch is closed tomorrow and we will not have class. We will plan on discussing the reading assigned for tomorrow (Hammack) and my article on Monday the 26th, which should catch us up. I hope that Denisse can visit us on the 28th instead of tomorrow. I will confirm this once I know for sure. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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