The Science of Flirting

Week 5 Update

So far, we have made a lot of progress in our project. Chelsea is now taking the footage that we made during our trip to AMNH and adding a voice-over to the video so that it can serve as a stand-alone deliverable. Our major focus now is writing a co-authored science article as our other deliverable


Our video deliverable shows the many ways in which people interact and flirt, though it does not cover the science aspect of flirting in great detail. Thus, our science article will serve to cover the many ways in which flirting can be analyzed through a scientific standpoint. For example, our first section in the article will likely be titled “the biological aspect of flirting”. This section will be written by Courtney, who already has a very colorful background in how people respond biologically when they flirt. She also has several scientific papers in which to site and use for our deliverable. The next section will be titled “the psychological aspects of flirting”. This section may specifically discuss behavioral psychology, we are not completely sure as of yet. Either me or Neha will write this piece, as we both have read some articles that relate to how people behave when they flirt or are being flirted with. The last section will be titled “the anthropological aspects of flirting”. I will likely be writing this section, for I found a very interesting article that draws upon similarities in sexual behavior across cultures, and I believe I can build a correlation between this article and the Kinsey Project.

Unfortunately, flirting is a very specific kind of sexual behavior, and thus there are not many articles that study flirting specifically. Thus, we will likely have to discuss the science behind all sexual behaviors in general, while trying to tie the information back to the act (or rather, art) of flirting.  In any case, we believe that this is the most appropriate way to tie in the various scientific aspects of our project.

I would lastly like to discuss our final deliverable, which is our website. As of right now, Chelsea has the best background in terms of establishing the website (in other words, how to make the website, how to link it to the class website, etc.). As for the design of the website, we have a few possible ideas in mind. Chelsea suggested that we ask people to instagram pictures of flirting while hash-tagging it so our website can display them on the homepage. Courtney also suggested that we post funny gifs of flirting so as to decorate our website. Lots of ideas, lots of promise, and lots of passion – That’s how we roll.


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