The Science of Flirting

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Flirting Outcome

  Clearly, it can be seen that in both our data and the Kinsey Reporter data, good feelings is the most common outcome. As for why bad feelings outnumber no reaction in our data, it is likely just due to a small sample population. I decided to calculate about how close our data was in […]

Flirting Behavior

Now, discussing correlations between our data and the Kinsey Reporter data is difficult when it comes to flirting behavior for several reasons. Firstly, there is a substantial difference in sample population between the data of our group and the Kinsey Reporter data. Furthermore, these flirting behaviors are not isolated from each other – a single flirter […]

Flirting Location

It is interesting to see that both our data and the Kinsey Reporter data illustrate similar trends when it comes to observing flirting in parks, schools, and public places. However, what is even more interesting is that our group’s data show that flirting in schools occur in a frequency nearly equal to that of public […]

Gender of Flirter

  As you can see, despite the large difference in sample population, there appears to be more male flirters than female flirters. In our sample population, the population of male flirters is significantly larger than the population of female flirters. However, in the data received by the Kinsey Reporter, the population of male vs. female […]