The Science of Flirting

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Science Of Flirting Presentation!

Watch the video below and learn exactly what it means to be a Kinsey Reporter and how you can get on way way to becoming a Flirting Expert, just like us Kinsey Reporters!

Flirting Outcome

  Clearly, it can be seen that in both our data and the Kinsey Reporter data, good feelings is the most common outcome. As for why bad feelings outnumber no reaction in our data, it is likely just due to a small sample population. I decided to calculate about how close our data was in […]

Flirting Behavior

Now, discussing correlations between our data and the Kinsey Reporter data is difficult when it comes to flirting behavior for several reasons. Firstly, there is a substantial difference in sample population between the data of our group and the Kinsey Reporter data. Furthermore, these flirting behaviors are not isolated from each other – a single flirter […]

Flirting Location

It is interesting to see that both our data and the Kinsey Reporter data illustrate similar trends when it comes to observing flirting in parks, schools, and public places. However, what is even more interesting is that our group’s data show that flirting in schools occur in a frequency nearly equal to that of public […]

Gender of Flirter

  As you can see, despite the large difference in sample population, there appears to be more male flirters than female flirters. In our sample population, the population of male flirters is significantly larger than the population of female flirters. However, in the data received by the Kinsey Reporter, the population of male vs. female […]

Week 7 Update

Hello! This week we finalized our co-authored paper, integrating our different sections into one cohesive paper with subheadings. We integrated sources into the paper and created a citations page. Chelsea finalized our digital deliverable, linking together our recorded pieces. She also recorded her voice overs and incorporated them into the video

Week 6 Update

With our research all coming together, we had decided it was time to sit down and write the scientific article. I started off with the biological aspects of flirting, so that the audience would become more comfortable considering human mating behaviors as a subject rooted in the hard sciences. From there, Neha took over

Week 5 Update

So far, we have made a lot of progress in our project. Chelsea is now taking the footage that we made during our trip to AMNH and adding a voice-over to the video so that it can serve as a stand-alone deliverable. Our major focus now is writing a co-authored science article as our other […]

Week 4 Update

Many people find flirting to be a scary, ambiguous, and inimitable activity. While executing our project, we have definitely learned that flirting is a very, very broad and overarching term. When something encompasses such variety, it should not come as a shock that it is spurred by several different reasons. There are different motivations for […]

Week 3 Update

(This week, we waited to post our weekly report on our citizen science project because we planned to complete a major part of the project after the AMNH trip: recording some of the video elements) Over the last few weeks we have all been observing and taking note of the many occurrences of flirting that […]