The Science of Flirting

Flirting Behavior

Flirt Behavior

Now, discussing correlations between our data and the Kinsey Reporter data is difficult when it comes to flirting behavior for several reasons. Firstly, there is a substantial difference in sample population between the data of our group and the Kinsey Reporter data. Furthermore, these flirting behaviors are not isolated from each other – a single flirter may participate in many of the types of flirting behaviors listed above. This then creates complications when it comes to comparing data. Lastly, the number of observers of our group is vastly different from the number of observers that participate in the Kinsey Reporter.

In any case, there are subtle correlations that can be seen. For example, in both our data and the Kinsey Reporter data, flirter hair play and wink flirting behaviors are observed the least. The other flirting behaviors are observed quite often. Similarly, we found that smiling (along with complimenting) was among the most popular types of flirting behavior observed.

It is interesting to note that eye gaze and body language was observed in relatively low amounts in our data than in the Kinsey Reporter data. I can only surmise that this is the case because these two are rather hard to observe and/or recognize. Some flirters may be able to use body language in a subtle manner that is not easily seen and recognizable. As for eye gaze, the flirter may be turned away from the observer, so that the observer could not see if eye gaze was maintained or used as a type of flirting behavior.

When it comes to the Kinsey Reporter, anyone can be an observer. In that case, even someone that has been flirted with can report their own flirting experience. The flirtee will likely recognize eye gaze and body language better than the observer that was not involved in the flirting experience since the flirtee was part of the flirting experience and would be able to observe the more subtle types of body language. For this reason, the Kinsey Reporter would likely be able to have more data for these two types of flirting behavior than our group. In either case, at least a general correlation can be seen between our data and the Kinsey Reporter data.



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