The Science of Flirting

Flirting Outcome

Flirting Outcome


Clearly, it can be seen that in both our data and the Kinsey Reporter data, good feelings is the most common outcome. As for why bad feelings outnumber no reaction in our data, it is likely just due to a small sample population. I decided to calculate about how close our data was in terms of percentages


I added up the good feelings and bad feelings responses and used that as my denominator for calculating percentages for the Kinsey Report data. I found that the percentage of good feelings in our data is 84% while the percentage in the Kinsey Report data for good feelings is 92%. Clearly, this is a strong indication of correlation. As for bad feelings, our data showed 10.5% while the Kinsey Report data showed 7.5%. Despite the fact that our no-reaction observations did not reflect the Kinsey Reporter no-reaction observations, our data almost exactly mirrored what was seen by observers around the world!


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