The Science of Flirting

Week 6 Update

With our research all coming together, we had decided it was time to sit down and write the scientific article. I started off with the biological aspects of flirting, so that the audience would become more comfortable considering human mating behaviors as a subject rooted in the hard sciences. From there, Neha took over

detailing the various psychological components that go into flirting, further acclimating the reader to the components that go into the act. Martin covered the final portion: that of cultural parts to take into account when studying flirting. This paper aims to give the reader more of a formal understanding of the intricacies to look for when considering flirtation, as well as allowing them to understand that it is not as cut and dry as people may believe. Chelsea has been working away at piecing together the accompanying video, which details the personal venture of this group to understand and observe flirting among different people; she has also been editing the paper in order to ensure it flows well and logically follows itself. This group is coming to the end of its endeavor, and with hope everyone will be able to take away new information, just as we were able to. Check out our article; it’s just a few things to consider when you’re winking at that new cutie across the cafe.


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