Category: Introductions
Kanushree Jain’s Biography Teaser
| February 10, 2010 | 8:57 pm | Introductions, Uncategorized | Comments closed

This is my third time posting a brief biography about myself for CHC. And so, I have decided that this time I won’t mention my academic status since we all are sophomores anyway nor disclose my major – not until the end anyway, just for fun!

For starters, my name is Kanushree Jain and my hometown is Flushing, Queens since I was 2 years old. Right from elementary, I detested art projects and enjoyed playing with numbers. Thus, I thought I was more on the mathematical side than the creative side. However, I soon discovered my passion for the performing arts, specifically dancing. In fact, last summer I had the privilege to intern at Elisa Monte Dance Company and received free dance classes at Alvin Ailey. Next summer, I plan to intern at the Irish Arts Center as a management/accounting intern, which will combine my passion and my major, Accounting!

| February 10, 2010 | 2:44 pm | Introductions | Comments closed

Howdy! My name is Angela and I am in between deciding my major. Originally, I was an Environmental Science major but I am thinking of switching to Anthropology, specifically Linguistic Anthropology. Currently, I am taking Intro to Linguistics and learning Japanese at Hunter but I hope to study abroad this summer in Seoul, Korea to learn Korean. Even though I am Chinese, I am choosing to learn it last because it’s the most difficult of the three languages. Eventually (who knows how long it will take!) my goal is to speak, read, and write Japanese, Korean and Chinese fluently.

Yasmin Zakiniaeiz
| February 10, 2010 | 1:42 pm | Introductions | Comments closed

Hi every one! My name is Yasmin and I am a Biology and Psychology major and aspiring Behavioral Neuroscientist. I am currently volunteering for the “I Have A Dream” Chelsea Elliot Program tutoring elementary school children. I plan on studying abroad this summer and next winter to Greece and Argentina with the goal of traveling to all the seven continents by the end of my college career! (Besides Antarctica of course! Egyptians can’t survive the cold.)

Joanne Cheung
| February 10, 2010 | 1:34 pm | Introductions | Comments closed

Hello! My name is Joanne and I graduated from Brooklyn Tech, with a major in Social Science Research–but now I’m majoring in Media Studies and planning to minor in Psychology. I’m not exactly sure what I want to do in life, so I’m just taking a whole bunch of media classes, including interactive media production and magazine writing. I’m hoping to take a digital photography course in Florence, Italy this summer. I’m really looking forward to the trip, because I love to travel.

Michelle Pelan
| February 10, 2010 | 12:20 pm | Introductions | Comments closed

Hey everyone! My name is Michelle, and I am a pre-Social Work Sociology major at Hunter. I am also minoring in Spanish and have just returned from the winter study abroad trip in Argentina, which was amazing (and I highly recommend!) I am Italian and Irish and was born and raised in Queens. I attended St. Francis Preparatory High School, where I played softball for four years. I love sports, especially the Yankees, and I love going out dancing! Currently, I am a babysitter and volunteer at Project Happy. In the future, I would love to join the Peace Corps and work with children abroad!

Mya Marshall
| February 10, 2010 | 11:41 am | Introductions | Comments closed

Hi all. I’m Mya. Like you guys (with the exception of Fiona and Prof. Laxmi), I’m a Sophmore at Hunter through Macaulay. I’ve lived in the city my whole life, born and raised Manhattanite. I am majoring in Creative Writing and Hebrew Studies through the CUNY BA program (which, for those of you who aren’t familiar with it, allows you to develop your own major(s) creating your own unique curriculum and giving you a lot more freedom and independence). I currently work at Scholastic in the Publicity department and have been for over a year now. I am planning on studying abroad all of next year in Tel Aviv, Israel, which I’m really excited about since I’m in love with the country and have most of my maternal family there.

Fiona Lee (ITF)
| February 10, 2010 | 9:41 am | Introductions | Comments closed

My name is Fiona Lee and I am looking forward to working with you as your ITF. I am a Ph.D student in the English Program at the Graduate Center. My research interests are in postcolonial theory and literature; feminist theory; and memory studies. Prior to being an ITF at Hunter College, I previously taught literature and composition courses at Baruch and Queens Colleges as a Graduate Teaching Fellow.