Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

1970s Love Canal, One of the very first superfund sites

October 6th, 2012 · 2 Comments · Gowanus Canal

Phllips A, Yung-Tse H, Bosela P. Love Canal Tragedy. Journal Of Performance Of Constructed Facilities[serial online]. July 2007;21(4):313-319. Available from: Academic Search Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed October 13, 2012.

The authors of this paper wrote it in order to provide materials for environmental engineering courses that specifically deal with the handling and design of landfills with harmful and hazardous waste. This is a study, and does not make any direct opinionated claims about the superfund site that one cannot find in the data, so I feel that if there is any bias at all, it is the “Lessons learned” section of the paper, which is the conclusion, which makes broad but obvious claims based on the data.

This source details the history of Love Canal, a controversial, once very polluted site that contaminated the residential areas around it. 26 years later, after extensive cleanup, this former superfund site is clean enough to be taken off the national priorities list. This area was in a similar situation that the gowanus canal is in now, and can help create comparisons and make predictions about the future of the Gowanus canal.

In the late 1970s, hazardous waste had lined the area, much like the Gowanus Canal today. It was so hazardous that it affected and contaminated the nearby homes and schools in the area. President Jimmy Carter declared the state of Love Canal a federal emergency in the neighborhood in Niagara Falls. This area’s situation is the very first man-made environmental and health relevant problem to be adressed on a federal scale.

This case study paper outlines the causes of the Love Canal situation in the 70s, and how the very first superfund site was adressed and handled. This can give our group a good amount of insight as to the situation the Gowanus Canal is facing.

Edit: Took into account the changes that Amanda suggested into this post and all my other citations.

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2 Comments so far ↓

  • Amanda Licastro

    Amandeep, you need to include a correctly formatted citation before your annotation. You can find in-depth instructions here: You also need to review the assignment sheet (and PowerPoint guide); the annotation needs to both summarize and evaluate the source – including information about the author, an explanation of the main claims in your own words, and an acknowledgement of how the source is biased.

  • tlewis

    Thanks for alerting me to the edit and good job responding to Amanda’s comments.

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