Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

Brooklyn Bridge Park: Greenest Destination in New York City

October 6th, 2012 · 3 Comments · Brooklyn Bridge Park

“Alternative Energy.” AENews. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2012. <>.

Alternative Energy Network is a site that compiles different resources and is designed to raise public awareness and encourage debate about renewable energy technologies. There are many different authors within the site and they write articles on anything they feel is related to the environment. In this particular article they talk about the new EV charging stations in Brooklyn Bridge Park. The station is supposed to greatly reduce the carbon emission inside the park.  The stations are supposed to generate solar energy and transfer it to battery packs for storage. This station is a part of PlaNYC and will save the park $200,000 in gasoline expenses.  The power generated from these stations is enough power to charge five of the park’s electric service vehicles.  I think this station is a great addition to the park. It constantly absorbs solar energy and stores it until they need it. It would make great back up energy if something were to happen to the park’s main energy source

The author’s main claim is that the EV station will be beneficial to the park so they have a bias that supports the EV stations in the park. They’re trying to appeal to the general public and show how Brooklyn Bridge Park is becoming more green. The article extremely concise and lays out all the facts clearly. They also do a good job on explaining what an EV station is and why it’s even beneficial to the park. A weakness is that it seems one-sided since there are drawbacks about the EV station listed. I think it would have also been better if they talked about other places that use these EV stations or if it’s the first park to use them and if they plan to implement these stations anywhere else. The title of the article seems to exaggerated, since they’re calling Brooklyn Bridge Park the greenest destination in NYC with no actual proof to back it up. Just because the park is working towards being more green does not make it the greenest since a lot of other parks are working hard to be more green too. This article does related to our project since we’re trying to see how sustainable Brooklyn Bridge Park is these EV stations are another way to help the park be more green. It’ll be helpful when we’re trying to list projects that the Brooklyn Bridge Park is working on and we can investigate how much they plan to rely on these EV stations and further benefits of these stations.

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3 Comments so far ↓

  • cli23

    The annotation answers all the major questions and you bring up interesting points in the analysis but you might consider to:

    Use a sentence or two to mention the name of author of the article and describe their background. This can help give the reader insight into the author’s point of view or perceptions.

  • Connie Lui

    It’s a network of people so there aren’t any specified people on the site. It’s basically people putting up what they feel is interesting about energy for others to read. Should I go more in depth about the network then?

  • tlewis

    What’s “EV”?

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